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SALeathermen (SALM) recently introduced its new Executive Committee, which was elected in May, at its Beer Bust event at Oh! Bar on Saturday 26 July in Johannesburg.

SALM describes itself as a “national, not-for-profit organisation for gay/bisexual men interested in exploring or participating in the leather/BDSM/fetish lifestyle.”

The organisation was formed just over a year ago on 24 May 2007 and, under the leadership of a voluntary Executive Committee, has grown significantly during its first year of existence.

During this time SALM has made great strides: The flagship after-Pride party (Renegade 2007) was a great success, as was the Redemption 2007 party. The group has an educational outreach and social program in place and SALM is increasingly attracting the interests of the local and international press.

“Local businesses have also recognised the value of SALM and many have offered their venues and services to the organisation,” said the new Deputy Chairman.

The newly elected Committee comprises: the Deputy Chairman, Derik Putter, Eddy van Eeden, Corry Sutherland, Robbie Marshall, Jeremy Martin, Kevin Pillay and Chairman Lance Marshall.

“This new Executive Committee has a significant depth of experience and has the focused passion to lead SALeathermen into the future,” said the Deputy Chairman.

“Each member of the new Committee, have joined in their commitment to ensuring that SALM delivers a very exciting program for the year ahead,” he added.

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