Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-president nominee, has said that she would support an amendment to the US Constitution to bar gay and lesbian couples from marrying.
Palin, who is the Governor of Alaska, made the comment in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network.
“I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman,” she said.
“I wish on a federal level that’s where we would go. I don’t support gay marriage.”
The “Federal Marriage Amendment,” which sought to amend the constitution, has faced bipartisan opposition in the two houses of the US Congress, both of which have voted it down twice.
“Sarah Palin is out of step with the majority of Americans, nearly 60 percent of whom are opposed to writing discrimination into the US Constitution,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.
“Her view stands in stark contrast to the ideals that make America great: freedom, opportunity, and equality. These are the tenets upon which our nation was built.”
An August 2008 poll from TIME Magazine shows that 58 percent of Americans believe that the US Constitution should not be amended to define marriage as being between a man and a woman.
…… I wish this woman would just go away … she is one scary creature!!! It’s hillbilly’s like her that start wars, spread hate-speech, and seem to revel in the persecution of others. All she is, is just a puppet for the minority who oppose anyone -and anything – that is different to their “normal” way of thinking.
She deserves one helluva b**** slap!!!
Palin and fundamentalism. Palin’s utterances and those who think like her only go to prove the dangers of religious fundamentalism
RE:WTF. Who cares who is married to who, like really. I am so sick of this shit. Why don’t we bar men from marrying women??? Oh wait it’s unconstitutional, why are we in the gay community been treated like children, where others have the right to decide for us, who we can marry and who we can not, what makes my rights less important than the next person??? We pay taxes the same as the next and yet some motherfucking politicians wants to tell us who we can marry, why is our right to love a debatable issue, we don’t debate when so called “straight” people get married, it even isn’t an issue is it. It seems to me like politicians are being scaly motherfuckers and distracting everyone about the real issues at hand, world peace, global warming, food shortages and of course the failing economy or is it the death of Capitalism??