Gays and lesbians are under attack as a conservative Christian party focuses its election campaign on promising to eradicate LGBT rights in South Africa.
SA GLAAD reports that in an election message broadcast yesterday on the 5FM urban youth radio station, the Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA) stated that it aims to remove equal protection for gays and lesbians from the constitution.
On its website, the CDA says that same-sex marriage rights, along with abortion and pornography are behind the moral decay of the nation.
“When the Christian parties refused to sign the new constitution, recognising then already that it would lead to our latest laws on homosexual marriage, restriction on evangelism through the latest Equality Act and the wholesale genocide of the unborn, we were called alarmist,” said CDA National Media Liaison Colin Fibiger in an address last year.
The party’s 2009 election manifesto does not specifically mention homosexuality but states: “We affirm that marriage by its only true definition is the union between a man and a woman and we remain committed to that stand.”
Formed in July 2008, the CDA claims to be a “new political force” that unites various Christian parties and interests. In Wednesday’s radio broadcast, the party made an appeal for all “true Christians” to support them in the April 22 election.
….. I’ve got two words to say to the CDA and it’s members …. SCREW YOU!! I will not be treated as a second class citizen because of my sexuality, and I will not be forced to cower in the corner like some scared child. You cannot and will not remove my rights to be treated equally, and God help you if you even try! Our constitution was created to protect EVERY citizen!
If by some miracle of the devil (because it sure won’t be God’s miracle) the CDA actually get somewhere in the elections then they will have a fight on their hands.
And surely they cannot really believe that “same-sex marriage rights, along with abortion and pornography are behind the moral decay of the nation.” Um, have they looked outside recently?The moral decay is caused by corruption, crime, hate-murders (spread by religious garbage being sprayed about like manure), raping of innocent children, ignorance (which they play a huge part in), lack of judgement, disrespect, intolerance, and a severe lack of leadership from ALL political leaders in our country.
It never ceases to amaze me to find that majority of these so-called do-goody Christians are filled with hatred and self-loathing. They are just another little party trying to garner votes and push forward their own wicked agenda. And why do they have to do it by promising to take the freedom and the rights of others? Fight against abortion, yes. Fight against pornography, yes. But to promise to “eradicate” the rights of fellow citizens, NO! What you are promising is a drastic increase in hate-crimes against gay & lesbian people. You are giving your mindless followers permission to use violence justified by the CDA’s twisted interpretation of what is right and wrong. Let God (if he exists) be the judge of that. In the meantime, the CDA and it’s members should keep their preaching to where it belongs … in a church and amongst themselves.
ok in churches???. Actually, that’s where this incredible political policy against human rights starts and is supported – in the churches where you think it is ok for this sort of thing to be preached.
It shouldn’t be ok, not even in churches, otherwise this inhumanity will keep on raising its ugly head and will continue to have to be fought on a never-ending basis.
Let me clarify, I DO NOT under any circumstances support what the CDA is preaching amongst its members in or out of the church. And strongly object to them broadcasting their hatred on a youth radio station, especially considering how many children go to school in fear because of being bullied and / or persecuted because of who they are. The CDA is just giving a reason to these young kids to seek out gay & lesbian kids and encouraging violence.
I agree with you 100% that it is in the churches that ignorance and fear begin.
What I was trying to say (and maybe should’ve written it better) was that religion and politics are a lethal combination. Any politician who wants to get ahead takes the religious route to power and vice versa. Religion should be kept in the confines of the church (without the hate mongering and without the hate speech), and politics should be left to politicians (and in majority of cases even that is sometimes a bad idea *smiley*
If. And let’s just say – perhaps in some other twisted universe – that the CDA manages to do what they promise and remove the rights of lesbian and gay people, and then what? They will find that the “moral decay” has absolutely nothing to do with same-sex marriage or gay & lesbian people in general. So to fix their mistake will they then remove the rights of non-Christians? Non-believers? Will they take away the rights of people who belong to other faiths? Will they remove the rights of the doctors / nurses involved with abortions? Will churches of different faiths be closed? Athiests be driven out of the country? Pagan believers burnt at the stake? Internet access blocked? Will they implement all the old ways of the bible such as not eating shellfish (the bible states this was considered an abomination), will people be banned from wearing clothes made from two different fibres, or allowed to stone your neighbour because he worked on a Sunday, or kill your wife because she cheated on you? Will the rights of women be removed? How far will the CDA go and it’s “true Christians” go before they are satisfied? My guess is once the country has descended into anarchy only then will they finally be happy.
So help me God….. Try starting your SHIT with us & just try and take our rights away from us and see what will happen.
Who are u to take our rights away from us?We are peole just like u and their for we also have the right to be who we want to be – And the world has changed so much in the last 20 years, WTF get real and open your eyes – we are here and we are FUCKING staying!
tey are as fake as zuma is guilty! don’t worry they will disintegrate in the same way as their stupid religious policy
If the Americans could finaly overcome using anti-gay campaigning, you’d think so could we… I mean seriously
The far right, might have held its f**cked up war monger, bush led, so called leadership going for
an inappropriate time.. but atleast in the last election
anti-gay campaigning in attempts to get a swing vote was kept to a minimum..
You’d think that the absolute bozo’s in this campaign
would realize its idiotic.
I mean seriously, how many gay men are raping 3day year old babies, trying to cure their HIV . which by the way our lovely health minister recommended garlic and beetroot as a treatment.
I can respect religion, but what on earth does religion
have to do with Politics.
I thought impartiality and respect was at the heart
(if politics has one) of government leadership.
I keep finding myself reading global news on gay issues, and wrighting my research papers & articles
on the subject.
but i am seriously, bored.
So.. Bring it, Religious fanatics, homophobic unintelligent sorry excuses for human beings.
I really wana see how much longer this hatred can last
at the end of the if we can overcome whitch hunts,
stomp out racism, its only a matter of time before
other forms of prejudice are washed out.
CDA who?. Who the hell is the CDA and what can a puny party like that do anyway? Why are we acting so hysterical whenever some numb nut says something?
wasn’t this how hitler started… beware… be very aware….
Christianity is supposed to be non judgementle…. nice group of people this crowd seem to be….
Do they propose to go back to ox driven wagons.. a little archiac in their thinking,,, and behaviour… the reason there is so little morals left in this country is due to the lack of discipline in schools and home… thanks to” maybe this lot who are against children being repremanded… with a cane…”
and as far as pornography is concerned,,,, people are more in touch with who, and what they are today,, and not hiding in cupboards anymore.. the CDA may want to have a full investigation in their own ranks.. they may be surprised…
Religion. Oh please, who is still Christian these days anyway, believing in a book and all its “rules”? rather believe in yourself. Years from now, when all of us aren’t here anymore, someone will discover the harry potter series of books, and that will become a new religion… I believe in a higher power, not some hocus pocus crap…Wake up and smell the Doritos people…
It is amazing…. Isn’t it amazing how Christians that supposedly serve a God of Love and Peace, are the first people to cause hatred, seperation, divide, wars, exclusion with their “religion”? I see no love and peace anywhere. If I have one wish for the world, it would be that there are NO religion at all…
I’d actually be more scared about Zuma stepping into churches these days. We KNOW he is a homophobe, so what will stop HIM from “amending” our rights and freedoms as the ANC have done ove the past few years, once he is in the driving seat? He is the REAL threat to this country, not these few religious freaks.
We are in for dark times. Vote for the opposition, it is all we can do. I cannot wait to get the hell out of this country.