Adult film star Kurt Rogers is determined to become a driving force behind South Africa’s previously non-existent porn industry. With brains and brawn, Kurt and mainstream porn director Ross Winters are turning our fair land into an exciting new venue for the porn business. Liberate Studios is their creation, and the company has already produced two successful outings: Rogered! and Insatiable. Their aim is to utilise local talent and our country’s beautiful scenery, producing good quality pornography which caters for all tastes, both gay and straight. Mambaonline asks South African-born Kurt what brought him to this point in his life…
Why start a porn company in South Africa?
It’s very surprising that there is no porn industry to speak of in SA, especially after the huge transformation this country has undergone since 1994. But to our surprise we found the general attitude towards porn and sex is still pretty inhibited. Liberate Studios aims to change people’s perception and encourage everyone to embrace their own sexuality, and those of others. We as a nation are always trying to convince the rest of the world that we are as open minded and liberal as our European counterparts… but when it comes to subjects like porn and sex , we’ve got so much to learn and accept. Don’t you think it’s about time someone has the balls to do it?
What inspired the name of your company, Liberate Studios?
Speaking as a porn actor, I found porn to be an incredibly liberating experience. I no longer have to hide who I am. I’ve accepted what people might think of me, and realise not everyone will agree or respect the choices I’ve made. But at least I’m putting myself out there and following my dream. And that makes me happy and gives me a sense of achievement. I couldn’t think of a more fitting name.
Why did you decide to make straight porn as well?
We want to cater for everyone – straight or gay. Sex is enjoyed by all people, regardless of their sexual orientation. We have an abundance of sexy men and women in this country, together with the most amazing locations. Put them together and you can create the most incredible scenes of sexual fantasy … or reality. There is a gap in the market for something new and exciting… so why not show off South Africans at their sexiest.
Which do you think is easier to produce: gay or straight porn?
From experience, it seems that straight porn is more of a challenge. I think it’s because ladies here are more conservative. We have had a lot of good response from straight guys of course! In general it’s quite challenging to find actors for both gay and straight movies. I think it’s largely due to the fact that this is an unknown industry here. Another factor is that a lot of people associate porn with perversion and with some individuals who may take advantage of guys and girls.
Is the recession affecting the porn industry at all?
The recession is affecting everything! In times of trouble people tend to turn to certain measures to relieve stress and strain… alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and yes, sex. But the financial difficulties are definitely apparent in the sex industry as well. We can see a sharp decline in DVD sales and also website memberships worldwide.
What do you think of local South African talent? Are our actors of an international standard?
Absolutely! Our talent is as hot as the rest out there. It’s just a matter of getting hold of the hot talent to join us. What you also have to consider is that our population is much smaller than Europe and America, making it more difficult to find talent. And, of course, the conservatism…
So it’s more difficult to find gay porn actors in SA compared to other countries?
During my 12 years spent in London, I saw the sex industry exploding. The amount of escorts in London alone is unbelievable. These guys are all potential porn actors, and trust me there are too many to choose from. The term “porn star” is still pretty alien to South African talent, with only a handful ever to make it big, including myself. But saying that, I’m sure we have many potential porn stars…
“Doing porn does not define me as a person, and I have many other talents and interests…”
Does your family know that you’re an active member of the porn industry?
Some of my family indeed knows. I guess they have accepted that I’m an adult who makes my own choices in life. All of my friends know of course and I’m also in a relationship with a wonderful guy. My partner and friends all support me, which matters the most to me. My motto in life: “Those who know you the least, will judge you the most.”
What made you decide to leave South Africa, where you were born and raised?
I was only 20 when I left for London. Like most young South Africans I wanted to travel and experience the world. I enjoyed London very much, especially the very liberal gay life. I decided to stay for a while and travel more, complete my studies and naturally make as much money as possible. I knew that I’d one day return. This is my home and I love it here.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a marine biologist! But things turned out a bit different… (Laughs)
Does being a porn star affect your personal and romantic life?
For sure. Not many guys will want to date someone working in the sex industry. I am in a happy relationship now – I am not saying we don’t sometimes have serious conversations about my work… but we always talk things through as adults and go from strength to strength!
Would you ever consider changing careers, or do you see yourself in the porn industry for the long haul?
Doing porn does not define me as a person, and I have many other talents and interests. Although Liberate Studios and being a porn actor takes up most of my time, I’m also a very successful makeup artist and fashion photographer. But I’m very determined to make a huge success of Liberate Studios.
Porn has become very formulaic. What do you do to make it more interesting in your films?
We try to keep it fresh, always introducing new talent. We like our movies to have a bit of a story line, but ensure hardcore scenes throughout. We also incorporate a lot of local scenery and other familiar locations which locals will be able to identify with.
How do you feel about barebacking in a film as an actor? Have you ever done it and would you consider it?
As hot as bareback scenes may be, I have never and will never do it.

How do you feel about companies producing bare backing movies?
Barebacking is a very personal and individual choice. I’m well aware that many studios are now producing BB movies and it’s gaining popularity. In my personal life I’ve often come across guys who practice unsafe sex, especially the younger guys. Maybe they don’t see HIV/AIDS as a life threatening disease,
Leave our country clean
africa is hardly clean….get real…. wow…Kurt Rogers … what a hottie!!!
Really Now…. We in the 21st century. And what makes our country different to any other??!!
I don’t see anything bad in this and definately hope Kurt and his company can show these @ssholes who have so much to say, what a success he can make from the porn industry in our wonderful country! We have so much offer so lets grow iun this field as well!
People like this dick neednt watch the porn if it is not their cup of tea! – But then again for all we know they watch it in secret! hahaha
agree. VIVA – well said
leave our country clean?. In that case start by cleaning the corrupt Guvmunt ….
DUMB IDIOT. What kinda shmuck are you to make such a dumb-ass comment? wow – get a grip!
Nice!!!. I hope Kurt stars in his movies too! I’m sure my straight girl-friends will enjoy watching him with me. He’s a real hunk. I definitely see big things coming for him.
porn. Wont work in south africa people are just not that obsessed with it. I have watched and thought I can do better than that. Hell yes.
if ur gonna do it do it properly. i have seen a copy of their first dvd, rather shocking and an embarassment to all involved
Where can I get a copy?
disagree!!!. I think they did a GREAT job!!!
CONGRATS AND WELL DONE!!!!!!!. Firstly I think what Kurt Rogers and his team are doing is a fucking BRILLIANT job!!!!!!!!
We need diversity in our gay world in South Africa and we really need to stop being such prude’s and boring conservative individuals…..yes you have a right to your opinion but don’t go dissing someone when they are trying to do something different!!!!
We also need not judge rent boys and porn stars….most of us watch the stuff and have a good bladdy wank and what better way to be proud and know that their is A PROUDLY SA and for me CAPE TOWN production house producing good stuff!!!!!!!
good luck in your life. good luck in your life. i hope african people mind will be changed in gay people confront
Hi I think your so hot kurt would so love to be in a movie as your top but bout as much chance as winning the tottery lol
Kurt is one of the most handsome adult film starts I have ever seen. Not only great looking but has a head on his shoulders. He’ll be successful in what ever career he chooses. Hope to see lots more of him!
Hey am intrested in dis industry.. So cn i jion u guyz
wer r u from? nd r u a girl or boy?
How does one join the industry?
nice photo