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Network volunteers at the river cleanup.

The Gay & Lesbian Network in Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu Natal, once again got dirty in order to clean up the city’s rivers on Saturday.

This is the third year running that the Network has supported the environmental initiative.

A total of 15 volunteers assembled at the river banks at Boshoff Street to start the day with a cleanup of the area and river. A total of 16 bags of rubbish were collected.

Buhle Mbanjwa, a volunteer from the Network said: “I am glad to be here to make a contribution in cleaning our rivers as we can’t survive with such pollution.”

Another volunteer, Heidi-Kim Lamprecht, added “I hope the communities continue to get involved as the polluted rivers affect them most and we need to keep our rivers clean all year round, not just for today only. We need to be respectful to our environment.”

The day ended with a braai for all the volunteers at the banks of the river near the YMCA.

The river cleanup is an initiative of the Duzi-Umngeni Conservation Trust (DUCT) and A Rocha.

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