
Ravel Morrison (Pic source:

Ravel Morrison, a midfielder for West Ham United, has been fined for using the word “faggot” in a tweet directed at another Twitter user who insulted him.

Earlier this month, Morrison was charged by the England Football Association (FA) for “using abusive and/or insulting words including a reference to a person’s sexual orientation” in the tweet.

The 19-year-old pled guilty to the charge, and on Thursday the FA announced that he had been fined £7,000 and warned as to his future conduct.

The sentence came just days after the FA launched a four-year-long campaign to stamp out homophobia in football. Critics say that the campaign is too vague and will not work.

Morrison’s career has been plagued by off-field troubles. Last year he was fined by a court after he threw his girlfriend’s phone out the window during an argument.

He has also been cautioned by the authorities for assaulting his mother and pleaded guilty to charges of witness intimidation.

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