Actor and former teen idol Kirk Cameron, best known for starring in the 80s sitcom Growing Pains, has told television viewers that homosexuality is unnatural and destructive.
Cameron (41), who played the character of Mike Seaver in the show, appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday to expound his anti-gay views.
“I think that it’s – it’s – it’s unnatural. I think that it’s – it’s detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilisation,” said Cameron, a born again Christian, about homosexuality.
When asked by Morgan if he supports same-sex marriage rights, he replied: “Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don’t think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.”
Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs at the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) hit back at the actor.
“In this interview, Kirk Cameron sounds even more dated than his 1980s TV character,” said Graddick.
“Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”
The organisation accused the actor of “desperately trying to remain in the public eye by using anti-LGBT rhetoric”.
It noted that while Cameron is using his platform to speak out against gay people, his Growing Pains co-stars including Leonardo Dicaprio, Brad Pitt and Hilary Swank have spoken out for LGBT equality and are enjoying critically successful careers.
Joanna Kerns, who played Cameron’s mom on Growing Pains also co-starred in the cult hit All Over The Guy as the mother of a gay man.
Another hate filled w*nker who defines himself as Christian – as if he is qualified to judge. He is nothing!
Why do we give actors any creedence, I mean really what qualifies them to have an oppinion about anything other than the theatre?
To think I had the hots for this duch when I was a kid. Well I’ve lost the compulsion to find his nude pic… yes he’s gotta nude pic but that was before he found god
Family ties over. Do you think perhaps he is hiding his own sexuality? Or perhaps is trying to confront those of someone in his family etc.?
Naah! He’s just an a*hole; which, by the way is well on view in his nude pic which i found first time by googling.
He was real cute, just goes to prove that looks aren’t everything! (LOL)
Another example of fundamentalist xtianity that chooses certain verses from the bible as it suits it, and ignores others if they prove to be too inconvenient. In his own words he says that marriage is “till death…”, yet we accept divorce. Should we kill our wife or vice versa in order to remarry? Here’s another one: “One man one woman…”. If he read his bible without his fundamentalist blinkers he would realise that Abraham had a wife and another woman who bore him a son.
Fundamentalist xtianity, radical islam or any other fundamentalism out there tends to simplify things and is suited to people who are too lazy to think for themselves. They love being told what to believe and how to live their lives. I guess this Cameron guy hasn’t really gone through any “growing pains” in his own spiritual life.
Go back to school … You asshole
Kirk, I am sure those lips were into some wild man action when you were this “teen idol”. Only now you are no longer anyone’s idol, so shut the fuck up!! What gives you the right to decide what is natural for the entire human race? Do you have a hotline to god, because the holy book is surely so outdated or have you not noticed that!! As soon as a Christian is reborn [like he is] all brain cells die and thus the reborn thing is a surefire way to produce more and more MORONS!!
Yes right on and he should shut the hell up, he is a moron and religion is a control mechanism for the morons
Perhaps his success could be traced directly to his close minded ways…? Only a suggestion.
YAY! for Kirk Cameron. As born again Christians we would be going against the Bible, against God Himself, if we publicly denied what we believe in order to be “popular”. God says homosexuality is wrong, and if God says it, I believe it. However, all sin is wrong and no one will go to hell for any sin they commit whether it’s murder, homosexuality, stealing, or kidnapping. We are all sinners, born into sin because of the sin Adam and Eve committed in the Garden. There is only one way to Heaven, only one way to God, only one way to be forgiven for all those sins we have committed, and that’s by the precious blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. But praise God, on the third day He rose again, and one day He will be back. Make your choice against sin and for salvation. Ask God to forgive your sins, tell Him you are sorry, and that you want to live a new life in Him. Tell Him you know Jesus is His son, who died for all of us, so that we will be washed as white as snow. Thank him for forgiving you, and thank Him for His love. Then get a Bible, read the book of John, find a Bible believing church like Assembly of God or Pentecostal, visit each one to decide where you belong. God will tell you. And for all of you reading this, I pray for this word to get into your mind, to root there, to grow there, to make you desire to know more, to seek the Lord of our Salvation with all your heart. God bless you.