On the eve of her diamond jubilee, British LGBT rights icon Peter Tatchell has accused Queen Elizabeth II of refusing to embrace Britain’s LGBT community.
In an article published by The Guardian on Friday, Tatchell said that while the queen has gone to great lengths to be more in touch with the mood of country and present the monarchy as modern, compassionate and inclusive, LGBT people remain excluded.
“While I doubt that Elizabeth II is a raging homophobe, she certainly doesn’t appear to be gay-friendly,” said Tatchell, claiming that “her silence sends a signal of exclusion and disrespect”.
He noted that while the 86-year-old monarch had spoken positively of the UK’s many races and faiths, for six decades she has “ignored” LGBT Britons.
“Judging from her silence, it seems that we are the unspeakable ones – the people she cannot bare to acknowledge or mention in public. If she treated black and Asian Britons in the same way, she’d be denounced as a racist. Why the double standards?” Tatchell wrote.
“Astonishingly, since she became Queen in 1952, the words ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ have never publicly passed her lips. There is no record of her ever speaking them. Even when she announced government plans for gay law reform in her Queen’s Speeches, she did not use the words lesbian or gay. Apparently, mentioning LGBT people is beneath the dignity of the monarch.”
Tatchell also pointed out that throughout her reign the Queen has never visited or supported a gay charity or welfare agency.
He revealed that he had contacted the Queen’s press office for a comment on the issue and to confirm if there has been any instance of the Queen ever mentioning LGBT people, but the office failed to respond.
“As head of state, the Queen is supposed to represent and embrace all British people, not just some. How much longer will the LGBT community have to wait for royal recognition and acceptance?” Tatchell asked.
How ironic – the biggest Queen does not seem to like or support “Queens” :o)
That’s cute ! I’m sure she does not have anything against the gay community. Her Jubilee celebrations on the Thames were outstanding
The royal family is just a show case of an old school style of kings and queens that has faded away over time. They are only a British icon like the mini cooper and a family that is stooped in wealth. Somewhere along the lines in the future this too will fade into the history books like the dodo bird thats extinct.
One forgets their dirty laundry how this family use to fight and take control of other countries and have placed people in concentration camps like South Africa very much like our apartyd. Then it was the English against the Afrikaans se boerkies where we had to fight them for our independency, makes one think that the queens greatest ambition was to rule the world.
At the end of the day who frieken cares!!!
I hear what is being said, but I have to come up for the Queen here. The LGBT issue remains too controversial and one thing the Queen isn’t, is controversial. I think she has a very fine line to walk to try and balance all the issues of the day and still keep the Monarchy impartial. She really leaves these matters to the politicians. Also, her goverment decides what she should talk about and what not. All her speeches has to be approved by the PM. So I really don’t think Mr Tatchell is being fair. This is my opinion anyway.
Schalk I think you are spot on here !
I agree with Schalk …. the Queen is 80 plus, it is not her fight there are enough men out there capable of doing the job!! Let her be a queen in her old age!
I fail to understand what her age has to do with it. She’s not someone’s granny. She is the symbolic head of state for goodness sake – and her millions of pounds worth of annual expenses are paid for by the taxpayer. This is her job. If she can’t keep up with the times, she should step aside. Then she can live her days blissfully ignorant of our community. Till then, she needs to shape up.
Peter Tatchell is the biggest Drama Queen ever!! Why scream fire where there’s no smoke. The Queen doesn’t control Countries anymore so who n what she supports is actually kinda immaterial, does anyone really care about the Queen r following her on twitter (does even know what Twitter is)? I agree with Schalk as well. Peter Tatchell, when ur in the public eye remember that bitching n moaning shud always be constructive this is just another eye roll for me
Although I don’t always agree with Peter Tatchell, he has fought for the gay community for 30 years or so and has the ability to start discussion over issues which have been swept under the carpet. A large part of the Queen and her family’s work is dealing with charities and fund raising. It is a relevant point she has no involvement with gay charities. It took Diana to get involved with such issues as HIV .As a head of state she is supposedly representing all citizens of the UK. Everybody gets a response/acknowledgement from Buckingham Palace, why no response on this issue…It is quite ridiculous as Buckingham Palace is full of queens, not just the one in charge
Just picturing the Queen doing a video, similar to Obama’s, acknowledging/accepting homosexuality and our right to marry… Would be amaazing. A royal acceptance.
Yes it wud be amazing if the queen did address the gay elephant in the politcial room… unless Liz is like our kings n queens here in SA who r trying to take away our rights, than perhaps a queenly disregard is a blessing lol!!