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Scott Lively

American evangelist Scott Lively, on trial for his support of Uganda’s gay death bill, has claimed that gay marriage in ancient times led to Noah’s biblical flood.

Lively is being sued by the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) for crimes against humanity.

He is accused of participating in the formulation of anti-gay legislation and policies aimed at revoking the fundamental rights of LGBT people in Uganda.

Despite appearing in a federal court in Massachusetts on the charges on Monday, Lively shows no signs of toning down his homophobic vitriol.

In an interview with the American Family Association, he stated that it was homosexuality that led to God deciding to end the world in the biblical flood story.

“We need to remember that in the time leading up to the Flood what the rabbis teach about the last straw for God before He brought the Flood was when they started writing wedding songs to homosexual marriage and Jesus said that you’ll know the End Times because it will be like the days of Noah,” said the pastor, adding that the end of times was once again near.

“I think this is the issue of the End Times, homosexuality. It’s present, if you do a careful investigation of all the scriptures dealing with this from the beginning and all the way to the end, God is painting a very clear picture that this represents the outer extent of rebellion against Him in a society and the last thing that happens before wrath comes,” said Lively.

Following Lively’s court appearance, Pepe Julian Onziema, the Advocacy and Policy Officer at SMUG, said that “Coming face to face with the man who has caused us so much pain is important to me.

“We want him held accountable for the escalating homophobia and persecution in Uganda. This case is about making it clear to people who have exported their hate agenda to Uganda that their actions have a very real effect on us and they must stop,” Onziema added.

Lively is the author of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party and Seven Steps to Recruit-Proof Your Child. Since 2002, he has travelled to Uganda, Latvia, Moldova, and other countries to consult with lawmakers and political leaders on anti-gay efforts and legislation, including the notorious the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda.

He is being sued under the Alien Tort Statute law, which allows foreign citizens to sue Americans for crimes against humanity. This is the first-ever such action regarding the rights of LGBTI people.

“Scott Lively’s role in orchestrating the deprivation of the rights of LGBTI people in Uganda has caused untold damage,” said Pamela Spees, a senior attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights who argued the case on Monday.

“Persecution – the deprivation of the rights of people solely because of their identity – is a crime, and he must be held accountable for it.”
Dozens of LGBTI supporters gathered outside the courthouse before and after the hearing, holding signs with sayings like “Persecution is a crime” and “Whatever happened to love thy neighbour?”

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