on the cover of Vanity Fair
News that Pope Benedict’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, will continue to live with him while also serving the new Pope has reignited speculation about the former Pope’s sexuality.
According to Vatican spokesperson, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, Archbishop Gänswein (56) will serve both pontiffs.
He will live with Benedict (birth name Joseph Ratzinger) at a monastery inside the Vatican and serve as head of the new Pope’s household.
Leading gay and catholic blogger Andrew Sullivan has written, in a post titled Two Popes, One Secretary, that “something truly weird [is] going on”.
He argues: “So Benedict’s handsome male companion will continue to live with him, while working for the other Pope during the day. Are we supposed to think that’s, well, a normal arrangement?”
Sullivan adds: “This man – clearly in some kind of love with Ratzinger (and vice-versa) will now be working for the new Pope as secretary in the day and spending the nights with the Pope Emeritus. This is not the Vatican. It’s Melrose Place.”
The blogger has previously argued that “it seems pretty obvious to me… that the current Pope is a gay man… I am not claiming that Benedict is someone who has explored his sexuality, or has violated his own strictures on the matter.
“There is absolutely no evidence of that, or of hypocrisy of any sort. But that does not mean that he isn’t gay.”
Gänswein, who’s been described as “a cross between George Clooney and Hugh Grant” has previously revealed that he and the Pope usually spend the day together, including sharing meals and taking walks together.
Sullivan suggests that the Pope’s anti-gay stance is reflective of his own internalised homophobia as a repressed gay man.
Italian author Angelo Ouattrocchi, in his book about the Pontif, ironically titled The Pope Is Not Gay, also concluded that Benedict is likely gay.
It’s been confirmed that Benedict, who announced his retirement last month, will henceforth have the title of Pope Emeritus.
I am not a christian, and even to me this sounds like a load of BULLS%T!
So what if he is gay? It’s amazing how we like to ‘diagnose’ people as being gay yet we moan about discrimination and homophobia. Not every handsome man who enjoys lunch and walks with the Pope is gay. Hypocrites!!!
Damn what hot Priest!! OmG!!! I feel so filthy perving over him…. for the record he is hotter then both George Clooney and (a young) Hugh Grant put together. I daresay he kinda Looks like Daniel Craig in this angle. As to wherther or not this story is true I cud care less. Also remember with these its like living in a boarding school not alotta girls around unless u leave the grounds guys did what they cud to survive*wink*… in other words easy to speculate and hard to prove. Let’s face facts that straight men have actually evolved a bit n become a little more secure with thier sexuality (who wud have thot lol), maybe he adores the old man and looks up to him and he’s really good at being a PA. Honestly this whole bromance thing makes it less easy to tell whats really going on between two guys, show me some pics of them feeding each other holding hands on thier walks n them spooning than I’ll have somthing to say. While ur criticising him just remember he’s no longer in a postion of authority, he’s old and be couldn’t care less what u think. If I were Bennie though I wud b thankn God for giving me such a hot hot care taker*wink*
What a load of crap….what does a 86 year old man still need a boyfriend/lover for !! Let the guy live out his final days in peace and meditation, without all this non-factual speculation !!!
This idiot of a blogger has seemingly too much time on his hand to write such crap about the emeritus pope and his secretary. people have always something clever to say when two men go along so well like gaenswein and emeritus pope benedict. its sickening to read such nonsense when people do not get their facts straight!! society is full of assumptions and gossip! although there are gay priests and bishops this does not give people the right to write and assume such things! i dont think there is anything wrong that gaenswein sees to the new pope as secretary due to his skills and credentials in the past and still looks after the ageing benedict, who certainly needs help and assistance in his advanced age. its sick and perverse to twist everything around like this. and who are we to judge other people. look at yourself first!
The Pope his followers with great honour and he deserve to retire. It is clear that homosexuals are looking for high profile people in the gay/lesbian communities. The blogger is disrespectful and mambaonline have no taste that why they publish this garbage.