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Protest against homophobia in Brazil (Pic: Elza Fiuza/ABr)

Shocking new statistics show that Brazil could have the highest murder rate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the world.

According to the country’s oldest LGBT rights organisation Grupo Gay da Bahia (Gay Group of Bahia), 338 LGBT Brazilians were murdered in 2012.

This included two trans Brazilians who were in Italy at the time of their murder.

That means approximately one LGBT Brazilian was killed every 26 hours last year.

Those killed included 188 gay men, 128 transgender people, 19 lesbians and two bisexuals.

The figures represent an increase of around 27% since 2011, during which there were 266 murders reported.

In 73% of the cases, the killers were not apprehended or convicted.

Grupo Gay da Bahia claims that the country accounts for 44% of LGBT people murdered in the world.

Past critics of the group have claimed that the statistics include all LGBT people who were murdered in Brzail even when the motive was not related to their sexuality.

Brazil boasts the world’s largest gay Pride event in the city of São Paulo, which has attracted up to four million people. Same-sex marriage is legal in some states.

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