Gents, Put Your Health First! – Our Yellow Dot Doctors Are Here For You


Yellow Dot Doctor aims to make sexual health services more accessible and welcoming for MSM

Hey gents! How often do you consider your health? And just as importantly, when was the last time you seriously considered your sexual health? Well, there is no time like the present.

It is always a good time to highlight the importance of health and wellness for all men. We can do this by shining a spotlight on sexual health, specifically for men who have sex with men (MSM). That’s where we come in, we are Yellow Dot Doctor ( and we are doctors that cannot be shocked because we have heard it all before. You can tell us anything, we mean it! We are especially geared to be an important resource just for you, men who have sex with men (MSM)!

What’s the Buzz About YDD?

The Yellow Dot Doctor project is a fantastic initiative aimed at making sexual health services more accessible and welcoming for MSM. This project is all about educating and sensitising doctors in private practice, ensuring they are well-equipped to screen, diagnose, and retain MSM patients in care. In simple terms, YDD is bridging the gap between you and doctors who truly understand your needs without passing judgement or exhibiting prejudice due to ignorance.

Why You Should Care

Here’s a few reasons why you can trust Yellow Dot Doctor to help you maintain your sexual health:

  • Over 300 GPs: We’ve got more than 300 general practitioners listed as Yellow Dot Doctors on our website, spread across eight provinces in South Africa. That’s a lot of friendly faces ready to help you! Remember, there is no need to be shy or ashamed of anything with our doctors. It’s important that you know you can share all information regarding your sexual health. You are also free to ask any questions that you may have. Yes, any questions about your sexual health you can think of.
  • Wide Reach: We have a wide reach of MSM patients are currently accessing healthcare through YDDs. If you aren’t already, you could be another one of them! Ask about condom-use, HIV risk, HIV testing and treatment, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), PrEP, PEP, ARVs and anything else you can think of regarding your sexual wellbeing.
  • Pride Presence: We don’t just stop at online interaction. YDD has a vibrant presence at Johannesburg and Cape Town Pride events, as well as occasionally at other events and venues where MSM may be found frequently, making sure you can connect with us in person. We bring sexual health for men to you where you can celebrate who you are with pride.

Real Voices, Real Stories

One of the best parts of the YDD project is our regular interaction with MSM patients to gather testimonials. These stories help promote our mission and reassure you that you’re not alone. Many MSM patients have shared how Yellow Dot Doctors have made a positive impact on their health and lives. To check out some of these incredible testimonials, visit the Yellow Dot Doctor website.

How to Get Started

Ready to take charge of your health? It’s super simple:

  1. Visit the YDD Website: Explore our website to find a Yellow Dot Doctor near you. We’ve made it easy for you to get the care you need.
  2. Join Us on Facebook: Follow our YDD Facebook page to stay updated on the latest news, events, and health tips tailored just for you.

Your health in your hands (with a little help from YDD)

Nobody wants an unwanted surprise party down there, right? That’s why it’s crucial to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are still the biznis when it comes to protection, get regular STI testing, and have open conversations with your partner or partners about sexual health. Yellow Dot Doctor is your go-to resource for safer sex practices and expert guidance on STI prevention. By taking care of your sexual health, you’re not just looking out for yourself but also for your partner’s well-being. Safety first, guys!

In a Nutshell

Don’t let another day pass you by without taking a step towards better health. Check out the Yellow Dot Doctor website and connect with us on Facebook.

Whether it’s for a routine check-up or more specialised care, our YDDs are here to support you every step of the way.

Remember—your health matters!

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