homosexuality Archive

A timeline of LGBTQ equality in South Africa:
While we are today constitutionally and legally protected from discrimination, it’s easy to forget the years of struggling for LGBTQ equality in South Africa.

Give HIV home test kits to men who have sex with men, say researchers:
Giving men who have sex with men (MSM) access to free self-screening HIV kits would increase testing among hard-to-reach groups and help South Africa reach its HIV targets.

Senegal | Two jailed over gay sex video:
At least two people have received jail sentences in Senegal after a woman uploaded a six second video of a gay male couple having sex without their permission.

Nigeria | Police parade 57 arrested at so-called ‘gay initiation’:
The media in Nigeria has uncritically reported claims by the police that a large group of men were arrested while being "initiated into a homosexual club" in Lagos.

President Museveni says West ‘imposing’ homosexuality on Uganda:
Uganda's President Museveni has been awarded a global peace prize, taking the opportunity to repeat tired and baseless claims that Western countries are forcing homosexuality onto Africans.

India’s Supreme Court starts hearings on reviewing gay ban:
India’s LGBTQ community is hopeful as the Supreme Court formally begins