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A demonstration is being planned at the South African Human Rights Commission’s (SAHRC) head office in Johannesburg to protest against its continued silence on the Jon Qwelane issue.

The commission has acknowledged that it received numerous complaints from individuals and organisations about the publishing of a grossly homophobic article by the journalist Jon Qwelane in the Sunday Sun newspaper in July.

While the Press Ombudsman ordered the newspaper to apologise for offending gays and lesbian, the SAHRC has refused to issue a finding or make any comment on the issue despite repeated calls for it to do so.

“We are holding this peaceful picket to initiate urgent response and final outcomes to this case, as it has been four months with no feedback thus far,” said protest organiser Louise Reardon.

Subject to the granting of a permit, the protest is set to take place on Thursday, December 4, from 1pm, at 29 Princess of Wales Terrace, corner York and St Andrews Street, Parktown, Johannesburg.

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