at the event. (Pic: Natasha Quinn)
A conservative Afrikaans youth group has objected to the recent Pink Jacaranda event having taken place at the Voortrekker Monument.
The Pretoria Verkenners Jeug (PVJ) said in a statement that the Monument was not an appropriate venue for a gay or “pink” event. It said that it was also offended that some of the proceeds from the event’s ticket sales went towards supporting ‘UP and OUT’, a gay student organisation at the University of Pretoria.
“The grounds of our forefathers are being misused to fund ‘Sodom and Gomorrah'”, said the group on its website, describing the event as “mocking and disrespecting our heritage”.
The Pink Jacaranda Music Affair took place on Saturday 15 August at the Voortrekker Monument Amphitheatre and featured performances by a number of leading South African artists. Around 3,000 people attended the event, said the organisers.
Although not billed as a specifically gay event, the organisers called the Pink Jacaranda Music Affair a celebration of Pretoria’s “Rainbow Community”. It was also described as a family event with facilities for children and free entry for those under the age of eight.
“Although I respect the fact that this group can freely express their opinion, my feeling is that they are living in another time,” said Pink Jacaranda organiser Fulvio De Stefanis. “It’s disappointing that youth brought up in the new South Africa continue to have such discriminatory and antiquated viewpoints.”
He added: “Being Afrikaans is not in conflict with being gay. In fact The Pink Jacaranda was largely a celebration of Afrikaans culture, featuring Afrikaans artists.”
Joburg Pride Co-chair Tanya Harford commented that the PVJ’s attack on the event affirmed the importance of the 2009 Pride theme: You Need Pride.
“We cannot be complacent about our Constitution and cannot forget that there are still individuals and groups out there that are determined to strip us of our humanity, dignity and rights at every opportunity,” she said.
Live with it!. We queer and we are here to stay! Again well done to everybody associated with this event. On to bigger and better!
VOORTREKKER GROUP OBJECTS TO PINK JACARANDA. I sympathise with the protesters…. In these dangerous times it’s hard to find a good cruising spot that won’t make vroulief suspicious…
Luddites…. These fools are a bunch of fundamentalists.
Methinks they should go establish their own
Afrikaans bantustan in Utah,
they will fit right in *wink*
May I suggest…. That we move the October 3rd, Pride Festivities to the Voortrekker Monument?
Pride at Monument. Hear hear!!! :-O
Lunatic Fringe. These people are part of a lunatic fringe. Even the Monument’s management do not give them any attention, why should we. Not worth the effort.
Gay Voortrekkers. Drama queens! Ek was ‘n trotse lid van die voortrekkers in my prille jeug, en ek kan jou se, hulle is vrot van die mowwe daar. En ek is seker daar was heelwat gekarfoefel in die ou dae onder die manne…
Afrikaners. Quite sure that this youth group will also find some or other pathetic excuse or problem if they organise a “black” function at the Monument…..Need I say more……
2010 Pink Jacaranda. lol. There are more gay Afrikaners in South Africa than this little organisation has supporters in total. How dare this small group of retarts demand an apology from the Voortrekker Monument management? The Voortrekker Monument belongs to all South Africans, including the gay Afrikaner! Or am I not one because I am gay?
I bet my arse that some of our “straight” forefathers/mothers liked just as much cock/virgina as I do, or don’t. Homosexuality has been part of history for centuries. What makes some Afrikaners so special as to think that somehow they are ‘immune’ to homosexuality!?
I can’t wait for next year’s Pink Jacaranda @ the Voortrekker Monument!
Awesome!. I so agree with you Ruan. Well said!
Iets vir die gay Afrikaner!.
Afrikaners is plesierig,
dit kan jy my glo,
hulle hou van pink partytjies,
en dan maak hulle so:
Eers draai die ou mannetjie
en dan draai sy ou man,
en hy vat hom om sy lyfie
en dan draai hulle saam.
Goeienag, my ou mannetjie,
goeienag, my ou man!
Oor ‘n jaar ‘n pink partytjie,
en dan draai ons weer saam.