Last Friday saw a bevy of hot guys vying for the 2011 Mr. Mardi Gras and Mr. Underwear titles at the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras in Knysna. Mamba was there.
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Last Friday saw a bevy of hot guys vying for the 2011 Mr. Mardi Gras and Mr. Underwear titles at the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras in Knysna. Mamba was there.
Mr Mardi Gras. Was so much fun. Great Pics
LOVE. I am in love with the hot guy in pic no 20
Yum – I agree!. Love that young slightly chunky furry look… *drool*
i love you nr 14. I LOVE NR 14 !!!!!
No 14. Red heads always have something super sexy about them. You are hottt!
No 20. Buddy you’re hothothot
No 20. And very sweet as well
No 20. Man, you are super sexy and manly
. I agree, a real cookie muffin 🙂
No 17… wow!. No 17…. naughty but verrrry nice!
PIC 17. Do you know him? He is soooooo hot!
No 11. Wow, nice body and I love the sexy smile, You are a cutie
No 11. Sexiest! *wink*)
No 19. Oh heavens ive just platzed i thought they dontg make MEN like this anymore – Can i have your babies You HOT HOT HOT
PIC19. Wow, now that is enough to make you drool!!!!
bleh. Were there NO good looking contestants?
Albi. So why don’t you enternext time and show us how you look in Bone Wear wise ass.
wow shuch Gorgeous men. wow shuch gorgeous men I have ever seen in a long long time heheh.
19 and 20. I have to say. 19 and 20, wow how Refreshing to see something different than the normal skinny boys. Definatly an improvement.