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Pop star and now-film-director Madonna has caused a media storm by expressing her dislike of fan’s gift of a hydrangea.

The incident took place during Madonna’s visit to the Venice Film Festival to attend the premiere of her feature film directorial debut W.E.

Just before the start of a press conference last week the 53-year-old star was handed a large purple hydrangea by a fan. She thanked him but as he walked away she turned to someone next to her, rolled her eyes and said “I absolutely loathe hydrangeas”.

Apparently unaware the microphone was on and that she was being recorded, she added: “He obviously doesn’t know that.”

A video clip of the incident was quickly posted online and has to-date received over 1.9 million view. Some have accused the star of being ungracious and rude towards the fan.

In a short statement, Madonna’s representative commented: “She’s entitled to like any flower she wants and she didn’t want to hurt the feeling of the hydrangeas of the world… No disrespect to the hydrangeas lovers of the world but she prefers different types of flowers.”

The singer’s film, which concerns the romance between Wallis Simpson and Edward VII, has received mixed reviews.

Watch the hydrangea incident video clip below.

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