The ANC says that the Cape Town councillor who made anti-gay comments in a council meeting will be “dealt with speedily”.
According to IOL, Councillor Abdulhamied Gabier slammed what he called efforts to promote the Mother City as a “moffie city”.
DA Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille, a long-time supporter of the LGBT community, is reported to have sharply criticised Gabier over the comments during the meeting.
“He was so homophobic and so insulting. I stood up and told the Speaker we cannot allow that language in the house, it’s unconstitutional,” she told IOL.
DA councillor Dave Bryant tweeted: “mayor spoke up and took him to task for homophobic statements and ANC caucus just laughed. What a classy bunch.”
ANC caucus leader Tony Ehrenreich was quoted by IOL as saying: “Obviously the ANC does not endorse statements like that, and are completely opposed to such terms.”
On Twitter, the Western Cape ANC added that Gabier’s comments “are his own and definitely not the official position of the ANC. It will be dealt with speedily”.
In May last year, the ANC rejected a call by ANC MP and chair of the Constitutional Review Committee, Patekile Holomisa, to remove gay protection from the Constitution.
The office of ANC Chief Whip Mathole Motshekga expressed “its concern” over Holomisa’s comments and the party distanced itself from his views, although it never took any disciplinary action against Holomisa.
I sincerely doubt that the ANC will take any disciplinary steps against this man. A man who obviously has no regard for the rights of ALL of South Africa’s people.
In my opinion Patricia should hand her mayoral chian to , Councillor Abdulhamied Gabier. We need more political leaders and church leaders who have the guts to stand up against this plague called homosexuality. I am not an ANC supporter, but I agree with the Councillor Gabier the DA promotes and leads a perverted filthy gay friendly Western Cape. Homosexuality is a curse nd because our local government support these perverted lifestyles we have this high crime rates, murderes and rapes. Well done Councillor Gabier.
Reverend Bougardt, I see you made time between wanking off on this site to spew your bile -hope you’ve wiped your hands before you touched the keyboard.
Certainly is difficult to master a good wank and typing together…very noticeable in Rev Bougardt’s spelling and grammer I must say…..
Why is this Rev on Mamba? Is he possibly chasing tail under a different alias?
I smell the foul smell of Islam!
this sick and perverted guy oscar who calls himself reverend and claims to be a man of god has nothing better to do than blame all the misery, crime and corruption of this country on the gay people. ha….if he would seriously check i doubt if a gay person would commit such crimes if not “straight” people. who is doing all this terrible rapes? straight people! who does commit the crime of correctional rape? straight people!! this so called sick reverend will rot in hell for his abusive remarks. he is not much better than the corrupted and sick ruling party itself….and he obviously does not get his facts straight either!!