Bid to block American kill-gays preacher from South Africa

Pastor Steven L Anderson
An American hate preacher who has repeatedly called for the murder of gays and lesbians is set to visit South Africa in September to add more followers to his twisted brand of Christianity.
Pastor Steven L Anderson of Tempe’s Faithful Word Baptist Church has called AIDs “the judgement of God” and stated that killing gay people would free the world from the epidemic.
“…if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant,” he famously said in 2014.
Most recently, Anderson praised the slaughter of 49 (at first thought to be 50) people at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando
“The good news is that there’s 50 less paedophiles in this world, because, you know, these homosexuals are a bunch of disgusting perverts and paedophiles,” he proclaimed in a YouTube video the day after the massacre.
According to this Facebook event page, Anderson is among 20 or so Americans and Canadians coming to Johannesburg to hold a “soul-winning marathon” on Sunday, September 18.
Based on Anderson’s website, Soul-Winning appears to be an intrusive process in which his church members preach to people, often knocking door to door, in a bid to convince them to turn to God or Christ.
The day long event will include a breakfast and fellowship at the Spur in Festival Mall, lunch at Wimpy at the mall to “prepare for another round of soul-winning” and a church service at the Premier Hotel OR Tambo, where Anderson will preach.
Hendrik Baird, the Station Manager at GaySA Radio is appalled that Anderson will be coming to South Africa to promote hate Christianity. He has started a petition calling on the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to refuse to allow Anderson entry into South Africa
“I think there are already high levels of homophobia in South Africa and in the wake of Orlando we don’t want anyone to stoke more hate that could lead to violence against LGBTI people,” he told Mambaonline.
Baird said that while some may believe that Anderson is entitled to freedom of speech, “there is a difference between hate speech and free speech and if someone is known to call for the death of LGBTI people I don’t think he should be welcome in a country that constitutionally protects LGBTI people.”
Baird has also written to Spur, Wimpy, Festival Mall and the Premier Hotel OR Tambo making them aware of Anderson’s plans and urging them to take action.
Wimpy replied in an e-mail that,”unfortunately we are unable to refuse him entry, however we have written to him to ensure that he is aware that we do not permit any preaching or religious gathering in a Wimpy restaurant.”
“We have also informed the store owners and operational support team, to ensure they are aware of the situation,” said Wimpy Marketing Manager Luise Peters.
Lee-Anne Leathley, Marketing Manager at Festival Mall, also responded: “Thanks for alerting us to this. We will monitor it.”
Neither the hotel nor Spur, which was embroiled in an alleged homophobic incident last month at a branch in Pretoria, have yet gotten back to Baird.
Baird noted that visits and campaigns by Christian evangelists from the US have been blamed for the spike in homophobia and the enactment of anti-gay legislation in Uganda and fears the same could happen here.
“They swayed certain influential decision makers to try to impose the death penalty, and we don’t want someone here to be working to take away our rights under the guise of Christianity,” he said.
Baird’s bid to block Anderson’s visit is not unprecedented; countries such as the UK and Australia have been known to deny visas to gay hate preachers. You can sign the petition to keep Anderson out of South African here.
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Not only does he hate gays and want all of us killed, he also denies the Holocaust, and calls all Holocaust survivors “paid-for liars.” He is notorious for praying for the death of president Obama. Hate Speech is proscribed by section 16(2) of the Constitution.
Stay out of South Africa – you and your demonic interpretation of god. You are not welcome. Boycott Spur, Wimpy, Festival Mall and the Premier Hotel OR Tambo
Really really horrible accepting a man like that! Where are you’re hearts? All humans are humans. Not animals!
Stop this hate preacher
Stop this idiot Hate Speecher! He should not be allowed to deliver these horrible speeches and messages!!
People like him should stay far away from South Africa. God is about LOVE and we certainly don’t need a hate monger like him on our soil. I have no problem with Christians who preach about the Love of God to others. Stay in the States with your backwards ideologies and hate spewing you hillbilly. Please share this article to as many as you can.
No room for hate!
Please all – ask people to sign (I know you have) – we only need 20 signatures to get to 1000 now … Let us stop this hate from infiltrating South Africa as it has done in the rest of Africa! He is already heading for Botswana after this …
Just an update – the hotel mentioned has told Anderson he is not welcome to hold his event at their location.
This from their Facebook page –
“The Premier Hotels & Resorts Group have taken the decision to decline a booking by Pastor Steven Anderson at Premier Hotel OR Tambo on the 18th of September 2016. This decision was taken when it was brought to our attention that some of the contents of his sermons contradict the Bill of Rights contained within the South African constitution. This particularly relates to clause 9.3 which states that “No person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including…sexual orientation…”
As a South African company, we support the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom laid out in this cornerstone of our country’s democracy.
We reserve the right of admission to any of our properties and will be exercising this right in this instance.”
Hopefully the other local establishments will follow suit and tell him he is not welcome at their places of business either.
Please keep him out of our country. Americans like this went to other African countries and incited so much hatred that many gay people were tortured and murdered by the hatred they spread. We need never take a step back into such darkness. The real native Americans held only respect and love for their “two spirited” people now this slag of sad excuse of a man wants to build up a following here where we are still trying to live as one nation.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19, KJV)
He is a closet gay! Angry with people living their lives the way they want to. I was also like him! Wanting to become a pastor, thinking the church will help me and calling gay people out in front of my friends, just to take the attention away from me. Thank God I saw the light. Do not let his anger and jealousy person fool you for religion he hides himself under. He is charlatan making money out of people just like him. A real strait man do not let other men’s sexuality bother them. Just pure jealousy from his side. Hate what you can’t have.
spreading hatred as gospel is unforgivable
What a disgraceful human being. And somehow he thinks he is going to heaven????? He has a distorted version of the Bible. What God does he believe in??? Any human wishing harm upon another should be removed from society.
Please stay in America..we do not need fundamentalism here not your hate. We have our own issues
to deal with and enough of them is because of hate.
And so the Antichrist comes in the form of a twisted and monstrous version of A HIGHER POWER’s messenger. Stay the fuck out of SA!!
Thank you for this petition. I am disgusted by his comments and do not want hate to be spread more than it already is
go away – we are a FREE society who embrace `EVERYBODY’S preferences be it wine/food or sexuality – so I say again GO AWAY – FAR AWAY
Let him come… we gan show him what Gay people are made of. Difference is. He never experienced a toi toi in SA. We will be LGBT UNITE. And I am VERY SURE we will have the whole Eastrand community backing us. Hy gaan baie boere de moer in maak.
I cannot condone the killing of any human, life is sacred and instead of asking the killing of gay and lesbians we as Christians have a God given mandate to preach and teach the true Gospel. Truth be told that the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is an abomination. Why deny Pastor Steven L Anderson entry into South Africa? South Africa is a diverse nation with people who accept homosexuality and others like I who don’t accept or agree with the lifestyle of homosexuals. Pastor Anderson are coming to South Africa to reach souls lost souls for Jesus Christ, that does not mean his coming here to preach against certain groups. We as Christians have rights to, and time has come for homosexuals to be more tolerant of people who don’t agree with them. Just because I don’t agree with you, doesn’t mean I have you. If hotels in South Africa refuse allow Pastor Anderson to stay with them I will gladly find him a place to stay and even host him at my place, in fact I have already send him email informing him his welcome to stay with me. As Christians we have the right to say it in public we don’t agree with homosexuality.
You are complicit in a criminal act forbidden in South Africa and we will have you arrested
Allowing him to come and tell people to believe in his interpretation of Christianity would be as wrong as allowing someone to tell Muslims or Hindus their religion is wrong and that they should be Christians !!!
Please stop this hater in the name of peace and harmony !!!
Media Statement from Norbert Sasse, CEO of Growthpoint Properties:
We are aware of the concerns being raised in the media and on social media about Pastor Steven L Anderson’s visit to South Africa, and in particular to Festival Mall.
Firstly, I want to assure you that Growthpoint does not tolerate discrimination of any kind. We definitely do not support any form of hate speech, and we believe every individual has the right to live the way they choose, according to our Constitution. Growthpoint has staff members, suppliers, clients as well as family and friends that are members of the LGBTQI community, and we absolutely respect their choices and value their contribution to our business.
With this in mind, we have been extremely concerned by the claims made that Festival Mall will welcome Pastor L Anderson. To date, we have received no application from him, his organisation, or his followers to host a gathering on our property. If such a request is received, we assure you that permission will NOT be granted.
Inferences have been made that Festival Mall supports his cause, and that the mall has agreed to the property being a meeting place for him and his followers. We categorically deny this. We do however, wish to emphasise that malls are public places, and that legally we are not in a position to deny him access as a private individual if he wishes to transact on the premises.
We wish to reiterate that we do not support Pastor L Anderson’s messages of hate in any way. We do not allow any political or religious movements to canvas or preach on Growthpoint property, and if any attempt is made by Pastor L Anderson to do so, he will be summarily removed.
oh ya please, we don’t need this man in SA, WE WILL PUKE