Minister accepts gay hate pastor petition, asks for dossier of evidence

Hendrik Baird presents Minister Gigaba with the petition
Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba has accepted a massive petition from the LGBTI community and says he’ll do all he can to stop or limit ‘kill-the gays’ pastor Steven Anderson’s visit.
On Monday, Gigaba met with organisations such as GaySA Radio, OUT LGBT Well-being and FEW (Forum for the Empowerment of Women).
Led by GaySA Radio Station Manager, Hendrik Baird, who initiated the campaign against the gay hate pastor, the activists urged the minister to block the preacher’s visit.
The minister was also presented with a petition calling for action from Home Affairs, signed by over 60,000 people from all over the world.
Gigaba told journalists: “We would never encourage any individual to come from their own country to promote such backward and savage views in our country, particularly under religious pretexts; because religious people should be more active in promoting tolerance.”
He nevertheless stated that he could not yet commit to stopping the pastor from entering the country. Gigaba insisted that to use the Immigration Act to either declare Anderson an undesirable person or someone advocating “social violence” he would need more ammunition.
Therefore, Gigaba said, he had asked the activists to compile a dossier with supporting information to offer “hard facts” as to why he should prohibit Anderson.
GaySA Radio’s attorney, Coenie Kukkuk, explained that the minister “did not have all the information that we have in terms of Pastor Anderson at his disposal. We have undertaken to provide it to the minister this week”.
Gigaba continued: “We will consider very carefully the dossier presented to us and based on the dossier we will take the relevant decision to ensure that homophobes either are not allowed in South Africa or if they enter the country, they enter with very stringent restrictions as to what they can do or say.”
This included issuing Anderson with a warning on arrival “that should you anywhere in the country advocate for [anything] that is unlawful in terms of South African law or the Constitution you will be in breach, as a result of which we will have to detain you or charge you”.
Gigaba also suggested that Anderson could be stopped from preaching in the country unless he applied for and received a work visa. If he tried to preach without this, “we would have to take action in that regard”.
“If he was coming as a tourist and he is going to Kruger National Park or to swim at the beach, he can go and do that, but once he opens his mouth and utters words which we regard as hate speech in South Africa then we are obliged to take action and make sure that he is prosecuted for transgressing our laws.”
Baird told journalists: “We are absolutely pleased that this issue is being taken very seriously, that a lot of thought is going into this and that the minister is really applying his mind to it and giving us the opportunity to bring the relevant evidence to show that this man is doing stuff that should not be allowed in South Africa.”
“We are all on the same page,” added Kukkuk. “We do not differ in any way with the minister, on legal grounds or on moral grounds.”
Baird pointed out: “This is not a campaign against Christianity, this is not a campaign against religion, it is against a specific individual and his group that has been declared a hate group in the US, and who are very keen on exporting their hate into South Africa.
“We are confident that the minister will come to the right decision and support the LGBTI community,” he said.
Anderson, who heads up the Arizona-based Faithful Word Baptist Church, is set to visit Johannesburg in a missionary style excursion on 18 September to “win souls” for his hateful cause.
He has stated that killing gay people would free the world from the AIDS epidemic. Most recently, he praised the Orlando massacre as “good news” because “there’s 50 less paedophiles in this world”. Anderson has continued to preach that governments must execute gay people.
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This is a campaign against preaching the Gospel Jesus Christ. Homosexuals wants preachers to say nothing about homosexuality and the fact that their lifestyle is an abomination to God. Your 580000 signatures did not prevent Pastor Anderson from coming to South Africa. Please understand because we preach against the lifestyles of homosexuals does not mean we hate them, or every time we open our mouths we speak about them. Homosexuals is not that important to us. By the way God is in control our prayers are much stronger than a million signatures
Homosexuals are not that important to you? Then WHY are YOU ALWAYS so quick to respond on such matters? Secondly, your stated lack of importance of homosexuals is not only discriminatory but is in direct contrast to biblical teaching.
“This is a campaign against preaching the Gospel Jesus Christ”. – False: You mean the “gospel of Anderson”. We are not anti-christian. Most of us ARE christians.
“Homosexuals wants preachers to say nothing about homosexuality” – False: We’ve been trying for decades to get church leaders to discuss homosexuality and to even recognize that we exist.
“Your 580000 signatures did not prevent Pastor Anderson from coming to South Africa”. False – He hasn’t come yet, so how do you know we did not (past tense) prevent it?
“Please understand because we preach against the lifestyles of homosexuals does not mean we hate them” False – Being homosexual is not a lifestyle. It is a sexual orientation, just like heterosexuality is. And, please explain how advocating the death sentence for me and many others like me is not hate? Or do you consider executing people a loving act?
“Homosexuals is not that important to us”. False – If we’re not important to you, why do you rejoice when dozens of homosexuals are massacred? Why do you and your colleagues spend millions of dollars on missions to Africa trying to convince governments to change their laws so that we can be persecuted and killed? Hitler also thought he was a good person. People like you and this Anderson person, who persecute and advocate the elimination of homosexuals are no different to him.
In my opinion, you are nothing but christian neo-nazis, or the christian version of ISIS, all too ready to sow division, discrimination, intolerance and death wherever your twisted interpretation of the bible infests society.
May God bless you with a gay child or grandchild!
Friend – people are not opposed to the Gospel. They are opposed to the fact that this man calls for the murder of gays and lesbians. Believe it or not, Jesus Christ Himself opposed such action. Do you forget an incident involving a certain adulteress and a crowd of self righteous stone throwers?
Pastor Anderson has the support of bona fide Christians all over Africa. This great man of God has made the light of God’s word accessible to us through the power of the Internet. Through his soulwinning marathons, he has aroused in Christians in the United States and around the world a new passion for the evangelism of our Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our churches across Africa have suppressed the truth and our pastors and leaders have brought shame and betrayal to our congregations. We donate our resources to him and wholeheartedly support his upcoming mission to Botswana. The only way to ban Pastor Anderson’s message is to declare the King James Bible illegal as other oppressive communist regimes have done across the world. Sodomy has to be beaten back into the darkness through hard preaching that is based on the King James Bible, which is the only genuine bible version. South Africa has become a leader unto darkness by allowing the voices of sodomites in positions of influence and protecting them under its evil constitution. The message of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 and Romans 1 has to be preached by fearless African pastors from pulpits all over the continent. It is not that sodomy is “un-African.” No! It is because it is abominable. Those who practice it are haters of God and love the darkness and would rather the light not be shone on their hideous sin. Christians in Tunisia, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia, Lesotho and many other places are all praying for Pastor Anderson and his missionary group. In the event that sodomy is legalized in our countries (like the vile President Obama would have it), it still won’t matter. We are willing to shout it from the rooftops on pain of death that our governments should regard all sodomites (even those that visit our countries as tourists) punishable by death.
Oscar Bougardt, are you still so pre – occupied that you would peruse an LGBT magazine to find this article? I think you are obsessed with the LGBT community, perhaps for other reasons?
You are so filled with hatred you have no room for God’s love in your own heart.
You keep nullifying your reason for hate speech, yet you continue on. I know you and your history well on this issue. – Gay people are not destroying families you are, by your continued homophobia based on a minority group.
Mambo this pastor is a disgrace to our Church community and should be reported for hate speech. I certainly as a Leader of a Network of affirming churches that welcome LGBT community, will accept or put up with his continued rhetoric about our people. Usually people this intense on a witch hunt are often afraid of themselves, and see themselves in a mirror when looking at who we are!
We are LOVED by GOD and accepted as God’s children, never let ignorant pastors like this tell you otherwise. He has no clue the damage he is doing with his unloving speech in the name of love? As a pastor, and I won’t address you by your title as you are undeserving of it, will be held accountable by the LORD for what you are doing. I pray God has mercy on you.
Apostle Deborah Bell
Lead Apostle and founder of Deo Gloria Family church and DGAN Apostolic global Network of Affirming Churches and ministers
Sulke mense wat so teen gay mense is sal self hel toe gaan nie ons vader van bo kan oordeel maar ons vader is ‘n vader van liefde nie haat nie en hy het ons gay mense gemaak ek ondersteun SA gay radio wat sal bekly vir ons gay mense ons ou president Mandela het vir ons menslike reg gegee so die pastoor wat so teen ons is en die ander gaan staan voor die spieël en kyk na jou eie foute
Interesting point the Minister makes. As Anderson’s occupation is that of Pastor, as soon as he opens his mouth to preach – even if it isn’t laced with his brand of toxic hatred, he will be in contravention of the immigration act if he hasn’t got a work permit. His so called “Soul Winning” crusade will certainly be doomed without a work permit.
Yes this is the legal opinion that was given to the Minister by the legal team of Gay SA Radio – the minister did not come up with it
The Minister has not decided yet – BUT he will not be allowed to preach
He may not be allowed to preach but he cannot be stopped if he talks. I frequent this site because Mambaonline in the past placed articles about me without consulting me on it. So I look if there anything they have to say about me and other preachers who are not scared to preach the truth. It is clear that homosexuals are so scared of the truth the will do anything to stop the truth from being preach. If they were not scared why do they make the fuss over Pastor Andersons visits. Watch the space he be coming to Cape Town as well.
Not if it depends on us Oscar (you are no reverend)
“He nevertheless stated that he could not yet commit to stopping the pastor from entering the country. Gigaba insisted that to use the Immigration Act to either declare Anderson an undesirable person or someone advocating “social violence” he would need more ammunition.
Therefore, Gigaba said, he had asked the activists to compile a dossier with supporting information to offer “hard facts” as to why he should prohibit Anderson.”
Gigaba in case you forgot, IT IS YOUR JOB TO ENFORCE THE LAW IN LINE WITH OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!!!!!! It is public knowledge that this pastor has beliefs and values that is contrary to our constitution and wants to preach such; why do you want us to give you ammunition???????????You are a public servant who has to act to protect our country and what are doing…….I feel that you don’t want to act on this matter as it will show that you support the LGBTI community which will not go down well with your ANC comrades..