Breaking! Anti-trans feminists disrupt London Pride parade

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A group of radical anti-trans feminists has disrupted the London Pride parade to protest what they termed lesbian erasure and the “anti-feminism of transgenderism”.

The organisation, Mayday4Women, apparently jumped in the front of the parade in the British capital on Saturday, leading to scenes of confusion and anger.

The women held up banners that stated “Lesbian=Female Homosexual” and “Trans activism erases lesbianism.” According to its website, the group espouses the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TEF) stance that transgender women should be not be confused with biologically born “real women”.

According to reports, following negotiations, Pride organisers allowed the group to lead the parade. It also appears that at one point the women blocked the procession by lying on the ground.

The group’s action were deemed by many as transphobic and led to a furious debate on social media. The event’s organisers came in for criticism for allowing the organisation to express its hate speech views at what should be a “safe space” for the LGBTQ community.

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