Queer Health: A Fresh Take on Spring Cleaning Your Life


Spring is in the air, and the perfect time for a fresh start! It doesn’t have to mean drastic life changes, but can be about making small, sustainable changes that add up to a big difference. Here are some tips for spring cleaning your life.

1. Freshen Up Your Sexual Health Routine

Nothing says spring cleaning like a fresh start! Make sure you’re up to date with your annual HIV/STI testing—now’s the perfect time. Thinking about going on PrEP? It’s easier than ever to protect yourself and your partners while taking control of your sexual health. If you stopped your ARV treatment or PrEP for some reason (because sometimes life happens) contact EMH and they will gladly help you get on track again.

2. Marie Kondo Your Life (Yes, Even Your Closet!)

Does that old shirt really bring you joy? Time to channel your inner Marie Kondo and start purging. Clear out the clutter—both in your wardrobe and in your mind. Bonus: decluttering can feel as satisfying as a good night out!

3. Mind Your Media Diet

We often clean up our eating habits, but what about the content we consume? Take stock of the social media accounts, shows, and websites you follow. Is it lifting you up or dragging you down? Choose content that makes you feel empowered, informed, and seen. It’s like switching from junk food to superfoods for your brain!

4. Love the Body You’re In

No more waiting for the “perfect body” before showing yourself some love. Embrace where you are right now. Start by moving a little more, nourishing yourself with things you enjoy, and appreciating what your body can do. After all, it’s the only one you’ve got, and it’s fabulous!

5. Cut the Toxic Ties

Toxic people? Say goodbye. Whether it’s that friend who drains your energy or the ex who keeps popping up like a bad ad—spring is the time to let go. Surround yourself with people who celebrate you and support your growth.

6. Shadow Work: Time to Shine a Light on Your Inner Stuff

Ready to dive deep? Shadow work is all about confronting the parts of yourself you’ve been ignoring or pushing aside. It can be intense, but nothing helps you grow quite like facing the shadows and embracing all aspects of yourself. Therapy, journaling, or meditative practices are great places to start. If you are strapped for cash, ask your AI companion like Chat GPT to be your therapist and specify the type of inner work you want to do. Or if you want to avoid the therapy route, why not investigate The Mankind Project? Seriously, try these before you poo-poo them.

7. Get Mindful, Babe!

Pause, breathe, and take a moment to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? What’s been on your mind? Spring is the perfect season to start a mindfulness practice—whether it’s meditation, yoga, or simply being present. It’s like cleaning your mental windows.

8. Re-evaluate Your Priorities

What are you spending your time and energy on? Does it align with what matters most to you? Spring is a great time to reflect and adjust. Draw a chart with all the important aspects in your life that impact your mental and physical wellness, like friends, hobbies, work, relaxation, reading, love, etc. Each person’s chart will be different. Work to balancing out your priorities and focus on what truly brings you joy and contributors to your well-being.

9. Step Into Nature

Step outside, breathe the fresh air, and reconnect with nature. Whether it’s a hike, go to the beach, walk in the park or have a cup of tea in your garden. Getting outdoors is a natural mood booster.

10. Embrace the Power of Silence

In our noisy world, silence can be golden. Make space for some quiet time in your day. It might be meditation, a walk without your phone, or simply sitting in stillness. Embracing silence helps you recharge and reconnect with yourself. You’ll be surprised at the clarity it brings.

11. Tackle Procrastination Like a Pro

We all procrastinate—it’s basically a rite of passage. But instead of keeping your tasks floating around in your head, try putting them down on a calendar. Turn those vague to-dos into concrete goals with deadlines. Whether it’s finally booking that HIV/STI test or clearing out your inbox, making it a scheduled task will help you get things done with way less stress

12. Think Before You Speak: Is It True? Is It Kind? Is It Necessary?

Words have power, so before you speak, ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? This simple check can help you avoid saying things you might regret and ensure your words build others up rather than tear them down. Thoughtful communication goes a long way in fostering better relationships and creating positive vibes. Gossiping says a lot more about the one doing it than the person that it is about.

13. Start a Gratitude Diary

Gratitude is a game changer. Instead of focusing on what’s missing or what went wrong, shift your attention to the good stuff. Each day, write down three things you’re grateful for—it can be anything, big or small. This simple habit rewires your brain to see the positives, even on tough days. Over time, you’ll start to feel more content, present, and grounded. Plus, it’s a great way to end the day on a positive note!


Article courtesy of Engage Men’s Health, which offers free PrEP, ARVs, HIV management and other friendly and confidential sexual health services in Joburg, NMB, and Buffalo City for gay, bi, and other men who have sex with men. For more info or to make an appointment visit www.engagemenshealth.org.za or call/WhatsApp 082 607 1686 now!

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