Author Archive

FRIEDA REPLIES: It seems that you really love Frieda. Mambaonline's most popular ‘tannie’ responds to your messages and letters, and asks some tough questions about same-sex marriage.
UK SURVEY: GAYS EARN MORE: A new UK survey has revealed that gays and lesbians are paid more than heterosexual men and women.
NIGERIA TO BAN GAY MARRIAGE WHILE EU SLAMS HOMOPHOBIA: Two continents, two realities as Nigeria is set to ban same-sex unions, while the EU officially condemns internal homophobia.
“BLOOD WARS” SIMMER DOWN: After the last few days of controversy on the banning of gay men from donating blood, some calm appears to be settling on the issue.
GAY FILMS SCOOP GOLDEN GLOBES: Films featuring gay characters scooped the top feature film awards at the 63rd Golden Globe Awards, while South Africa lost out.
SANBS RE-ASSERTS BAN – THREATENS ACTION: In the midst of the controversy around the GLA’s statements, the SA National Blood Services has confirmed that its policy remains unchanged.
GAY BLOOD BAN SPARKS ROW: A number of Gay and Lesbian groups have slammed a statement by the South African National Blood Service that it would not accept gay blood donors.
SONY LAUNCHES GAY MUSIC LABEL: For the first time, a major player in the music business is launching a record label specifically targeting gays and lesbians.
GAY MEN STILL EXCLUDED FROM DONATING BLOOD: It has emerged that gay men continue to be excluded from donating blood in South Africa.
OUTRAGE AT GAY ARREST IN INDIA: Human and gay rights organisations have condemned the arrest of four men on charges of homosexuality in India.