
British singer George Michael is again in trouble with the law, this time over possession of drugs. According to reports, police arrested Michael after finding him slumped at the wheel of his parked car at Hyde Park Corner, London, on Sunday. He was charged with suspicion of possessing drugs.

In a statement issued to the media on Monday, Michael said that his arrest was “my own stupid fault, as usual. I was in possession of class C drugs which is an offence and I have no complaints about the police who were professional throughout”.

In an earlier statement, police said that, “We were called by a member of the public to a man seen slumped over the steering wheel of a car… He was arrested on suspicion of possession of controlled substances.” Apparently the person who called the police was not aware that the man – described as “dazed and confused” – in the car was George Michael. According to the Sun newspaper, police also found a collection of sex toys in the boot of the singer’s Range Rover.

The charges relate to drugs that are classified under British law as Class C drugs, which encompass cannabis, tranquillisers and some prescription pain medication. Sources say that Michael is being charged with possession of cannabis and the clubbing drug GHB – known as liquid ecstasy. He was given bail and released after seven hours in custody. He could face up to two years in prison if convicted.

42 year old Michael previously found himself facing criminal charges after being arrested and convicted for trying to pick up an undercover policeman at an LA public bathroom in 1998; an event which led to his public ‘coming out’ and a hit single.

Last year, the singer – who has sold more than 80 million records – said that he was giving up the music business because of the demands of being a celebrity. In his statement, Michael added that he was not planning on releasing a sing about the event: “P.S. I promise I won’t make a record out of this one – even though it’s tempting.”

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