
OUT LGBT Well-being in Pretoria is calling on Registered Nurses to volunteer in the organisation’s VCT Clinic on Saturdays. They should be able to conduct pre- and post-test counselling as well as administer a rapid test. They should also be able to keep track of statistics as well as make the necessary referrals. Although these are volunteer positions, a daily allowance will be paid.

In addition, OUT is looking for a few Medical Practitioners to volunteer in its Wellness Centre, which will operate twice a week, for two-hours, in the evenings. The ‘male’ wellness centre services will be offered by a male medical practitioner, and the ‘female’ wellness centre services will be offered by a female medical practitioner.

The selected services include basic physical examinations, pap smears, STI diagnosis, Viral load/CD4 Counts, HIV treatment monitoring and literacy, to name but a few. Although these are volunteer positions, a travel allowance will be paid.

Should you feel altruistic and want to give some of your time and expertise back to the community then contact OUT directly for more information. Contact Jacques on 012-344-5108.

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