
A male prostitute has been sentenced to 60 years in prison in the Pretoria High Court on Friday for the murder of a client and his friend.

Twenty six year old Lafras de Jager was found guilty of strangling two men, Steven Dummer and Theo Holtzhausen, in the latter’s home in the north of Pretoria.

De Jager confessed to the crime, and claimed that he murdered the men to buy heroin. Juan Pierre Jacobs (25), a friend of the killer is also accused of taking part in the murder.

According to De Jager, he and Jacobs planned to break into the home of Holtzhausen, a former client, but instead found him and Dummer at home.

The men had drinks and smoked marijuana together after which the two accused overpowered the victims and strangled them, killed two cats and stole their possessions to buy heroin.

Judge Joshua Dolamo chose not to give De Jager a life sentence because he is a first time offender, he was apparently contrite, and because his consumption of alcohol and dagga may have played a role. He is expected to only serve 25 years of his sentence.

Jacobs, who claims that he is innocent, is expected to be tried separately in August.

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