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The South African Lesbian and Gay Equality Project (LGEP), says that it is concerned about the deepening crisis in Zimbabwe.

“We add our voice in condemning the unjustified delay in the release of the 29 March elections,” said the organisation in a press statement issued today.

“As Zimbabwean Independence Day approaches on 18 April 2008, Zimbabweans have nothing to celebrate in honour of their heroic liberation struggle and historic achievement of freedom and democracy.”

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has refused to announce the full results of the 29 March election amid claims that this is on government orders in order for it to stay in power illegally. The MDC opposition party claims that its candidate Morgan Tsvangirai has won the election.

LGEP said that the actions of the government of Zimbabwe, the police, the army, the judiciary and the Zimbabwean Electoral Commission are against universally accepted democratic principles and practice.

It has accused the Zimbabwean government of being responsible for the social and economic crises facing the country.

“It is under such conditions that principles of democracy, equality and non-discrimination get sacrificed and political leaders look for easy scapegoats to hide their failures. No wonder then that Mugabe’s first targets were lesbian and gay people in Zimbabwe,” said the group.

It called on the lesbian and gay community in South Africa and Zimbabwe to add their voices in “support of democracy, freedom and equality in Zimbabwe.”

It also urged the South African government to play a more forceful role in the crisis saying that it “must make it clear that democratic principles are not for sale and must not show any equivocation in publicly condemning the undemocratic actions of the Zimbabwean government.”

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