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Two lesbians chose to end their lives by fire after facing years of pressure from their families to end their relationship, reports The Times of India.

The women, Christy Jayanthi Malar (38) and Rukmani (40), doused themselves in kerosene and then set themselves alight, in Sathangadu, India.

The charred bodies were found in an embrace at the residence of one of the women on Saturday morning.

“They appear to have hugged each other during the final moments of their life,” an investigating officer told the newspaper.

It’s been claimed that they had faced ongoing family opposition and harassment over their relationship, which began when they were still in school.

The women were married to men but had apparently continued to be close over the years.

Ironically, the two families finally agreed to let the women be together during a join cremation ceremony.

Homosexuality is illegal in India under British colonial laws enacted in the 1860s intended to criminalise “all unnatural acts” including consensual same-sex sexual activity between adults.

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