I often go on and on about how amazing our Constitution is. I brag to my friends from other countries that it is one of the most progressive and liberal documents in the world. It protects us from all sorts of discrimination. Wonderful.
And even better when we get to see it protecting minority groups in action, which I hope will be the case when (not if, when) a gay rights group calls on the protection the Constitution affords homosexuals in Section 9 (3).
What I’m talking about is the most recent gay hate speech from “journalist” Jon Qwelane of the Sunday Sun.
For those of you who missed out on Josef Goebels…sorry…Jon Qwelane’s last column let me give you the abridged version. Qwelane believes:
1) Robert Mugabe’s standpoint on Gays is spot on.
2) Liberals and Gays are responsible for the degradation of decent society.
3) Gays are against the “natural order”.
4) Someday the SA constitution will be written to exclude gays.
5) If gays are allowed to marry, then soon humans will be allowed to marry animals.
I’m stunned that a South African newspaper could print this, given our country’s history of oppression. But clearly neither the Sunday Sun or Mr. Qwelane have made the connection that ANY form of discrimination is wrong. Just as Mr. Qwelane was born black so too are people born gay.
Maybe he should have a conversation with Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, who agrees with most modern queer theory, that people are in fact born gay. Perhaps Mr. Qwelane should think back to the struggle days, when people hated him simply for being black, and maybe then Mr. Qwelane will hopefully make those connections.
People always debate the fine line between hate speech and freedom of speech. I’d definitely have to say that being on the receiving end of Mr. Qwelane’s vitriol I can guarantee you that his article was the former.
Equating homosexuality to bestiality is so nonsensical and very obviously meant to play on people’s fears. What Mr. Qwelane fails to mention is that gay marriage is between two CONSENTING ADULTS. I.e. any HUMANS over the age of 18. When was the last time Mr. Qwelane saw a billy goat at a gay pride march? Have you ever heard of any gay person petitioning courts to marry animals?
Perhaps Mr. Qwelane should look up the definition of homosexuality before he writes about the subject, because then he will clearly see it has nothing in common with bestiality. As a journalist, usually some research is required. Clearly not for Jon Qwelane.
“…he is shaping the minds of people who take his words and put them into action, directly translating into rapes and murders.”
And Mr. Qwelane is so quick to fight for the moral fibre of society. Clearly gay marriage and gays in church would rock the foundations of the planet because we all know how seriously straight people take marriage, with a more than 40% divorce rate in most developed countries.
I can see why Mr. Qwelane is so quick to try and protect an institution that heterosexuals are really achieving in. Yep, Britney Spear’s 24 hour marriages often make me think of the holiness of nuptials.
But on a more serious note, perhaps Mr. Qwelane should start thinking about the damage he is doing with his poison pen. Clearly as a “journalist” who must have done oodles of research on queer theory, he might have found the time to delve into the spate of homophobic violence that has spread throughout South Africa. Maybe he would have come across the name Madoe Mafubedu.
If he had actually done some research, he would have found out that she was a lesbian who was repeatedly raped and then stabbed to death. Why? Well, because she was a lesbian in a township, and it’s not “natural” (as Mr. Qwelane puts it) to be gay, so some men decided to “straighten her out”. Because raping a lesbian is of course a “natural” thing to do.
And maybe he should look up Zoliswa Nkonyana. She was also terribly “unnatural”. She was beaten to death with golf clubs and bricks by a gang of men who obviously wanted to teach her to be more “natural”.
And whilst he’s feverishly Googling, maybe he should look up Sizakele Sigasa and Salome Masooa, two lesbians who were found murdered next to a dumpsite in Soweto. Sigasa was found with her hands tied with her underpants at her ankles tied with her shoelaces, with three bullet holes in her head and three in her collarbone. Obviously someone had taken offence to their “unnatural” ways.
Or maybe Mr. Qwelane needs more high profile proof. How about Banyana Banyana player Eudy Simelane who was brutally gang-raped and then murdered? Clearly her fault for engaging in “unnatural” behaviour.
But it would seem that research is not Mr. Qwelane’s strong point. Instead he spouts the same old fear-based hatred. It’s articles like the one written by Jon Qwelane that add fuel to the homophobic fire.
His words at best legitimise, at worst promote more attacks on gays and lesbians. As far as I am concerned, he has blood on his hands. Mr. Qwelane needs to realise words have power. He may not be recognising it, but he is shaping the minds of people who take his words and put them into action, directly translating into rapes and murders.
And we cannot allow him to do so. We need to stand up for ourselves as a community. Write to your gay and lesbian advocacy groups, take it up with the Human Rights Commission (this is a prime example of why the Chapter 9 institution was formed in the first place). Write to the editor of the Sunday Sun. Write to Jon Qwelane himself and tell him your story, and how words like his have affected you.
Do all or any of the above, but for God’s sake, don’t just sit there and do nothing. Because if you do, there will be blood on your hands too.
Amazing. What a fantastic article! Well done jeanine. Puts everything in context…
No more to say. Congratulations to Jeanine , she said it so wonderfull , and there is nothing to add .
Please give us some Adrresses to write to, THANKS FOR THE ARTICLE ,
and to Jon Qwelane :
I wonder if he perhaps have some Homosexual Feelings too , but he cannot live them…….
addresses. send mails to voice your disconent to:
(lrulashe@sundaysun.co.za) & cc the senior general manager for RCP Media Sarel du Plessis (sduplessis@naspers.com
Human Rights Commission
mmoletsane@sahrc.org.za; msetsubi@sahrc.org.za; vmoaga@sahrc.org.za; lmolepo@sahrc.org.za; smutlwane@sahrc.org.za
Deon Du Plessis: the publisher of the Sunday Sun
– ddupless@dailysun.co.za
Lutfia Vayej (head corporate comms)
well done!. Thanks for the article Jeanine. Well written and exactly what most of us feel! Hope more people will take action too!
a good piece, yes…
BUT, as ever (or as often) the pple most likely to read this are the “converted.” It’s in the “mainstream” that thigns need arguing….And the fact that the publisher of the sunday sun (like Qwelane himself) is trying to dress this up as a happy exercise in “freedom of expression” is completrely outrageous.
Tough stuff. Crazy shit going on man, the hypocrisy in our society is overwhelming.
It does create a sense of apathy, I am straight but the kind of hate speech spouted by John Q is unacceptable, strange how some peoples hate speech get them fired but others go completely unpunished.
Ah fuck it, its too frustrating, thats my attitude. Its not Jeanine’s though and we should appreciate her for that.
Mainstream media. Brilliant article, but as somebody has pointed out – this this is preaching to the converted. How do we get this published in the mainstream media? Not as a letter but as an article. I think the online editor of Mail & Guardian will run it, he is sympathetic to our cause…
Jon Qwelane-the goat!. Jon Qwelane is a disgrace to the field of journalism. The one thing that he needs to rid himself of is TRIBALISM. One would expect people like him to be more liberal and well-informed. It is apparent that the Sunday Sun shares the same sentiments or else they would have done something by now.
Awe inspiring. Excellent article
These are the kind of powerful words that the public needs to be exposed to, instead of the filth that people like Mr. Qwelane portrays as the truth.
Keep them coming Jeanine!!
John “Goebbels” Qwelane. Sipho and I lived through the hell of apartheid as a mixed-race gay couple; we were both active in our liberation struggle, and we longed so much for a free South Africa where we could live normal lives. Sipho was murdered by koevoet agents (the apartheid death squad) in 1993, just short of our tenth anniversary as a couple, less than a year before our first free elections. When he died a part of me died with him.
What I read in John Qwelane’s hate-filled column brought back for me painful memories of what Sipho and I went through as part of our everyday experiences; we were two very ordinary men, doing very ordinary day-to-day things, who just happened to be deeply in love with each other.
It was hate-filled people that killed Sipho, people who believed, and then acted on, the inhuman and completely false teachings that they had been given. It is my considered opinion that John Qwelane’s column will be believed by many of his readers, people who may then act on his hideous teaching, resulting in the murder of gay people.
Whatever gay blood may be spilled as a result of John Qwelane’s hatred will be on his hands as the inspirer and motivator behind it. God forbid that these things will happen!
hate speech. you know i got a pic via e mail of a black guy having sex with a goat, i wish he would see that, straight black guy having sex with a goat not a gay guy…..