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Leisha Hailey, who plays Alice Pieszecki in The L Word

It’s been announced that the pilot episode for a spinoff of the popular lesbian drama The L Word has been completed, reports the New York Post.

The Showtime television network confirmed that the new series will focus on L Word character Alice Pieszecki (Leisha Hailey) who is sent to jail after being mistakenly found guilty of murder.

The show, which will be set in the prison, will be a continuation of a storyline in the final The L Word series which begins in the US next week.

The network said that not all the characters would be lesbian but would be a mix of gay and straight women. To date no other actresses from The L Word have been cast.

The show, tentatively titled The Farm, was created, written and produced by The L Word originator Ilene Chaiken.

A full series will only be given the go-ahead if the pilot episode is a success.

Since its January 2004 debut, The L Word has become part of American popular culture, spawning its own social networking site, huge popularity in Second Life, dedicated fan websites and blogs, along with products such as The L Word-branded perfume, jewellery and books.

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