With the dropping of the fraud and corruption charges against ANC leader Jacob Zuma, South Africa faces its first homophobic post-apartheid president.
The National Prosecuting Authority dropped all charges against Zuma on Monday. The decision came nearly eight years after the case began.
The NPA’s head Mokotedi Mpshe said that recent proof of political interference in Zuma’s case made it “neither possible nor desirable for the NPA to continue with the prosecution of Mr Zuma.”
In 2006, Zuma caused an uproar within the gay community while speaking at a Heritage Day celebration, saying: “When I was growing up an ‘ungqingili’ (a gay) would not have stood in front of me. I would knock him out”.
He also said that same-sex marriages were “a disgrace to the nation and to God”.
Zuma later apologised for the pain and anger that his remarks might have caused, claiming that the remarks were made in the context of the traditional way of raising children.
“Our lesbian and gay compatriots are protected by the constitution and I respect their rights, in my capacity as an individual citizen and as a member and one of the leaders of the ANC.
“I also respect, acknowledge and applaud the sterling contribution of many gay and lesbian compatriots in the struggle that brought about our freedom, and the role they continue to play in the building of a successful non-racial, non-discriminatory South Africa,” Zuma said at the time.
…… This is NOT the president that South Africa deserves.
Sad but I will COPE. As an out and proud GBM, I’m devastated and frightened by the prospect of a JZ presidency. My only hope is in COPE!
A sexist, mysoginist, tribalist, homophobe in the Presidency – God help us!
Zuma,homophobe par excellence. I agree 100% Paul,the good days for gays are nimbered when,this nasty homophobe and backward man becomes President.Kiss your arse good bye,How on earth,has yor country allowed such an obvious mysogynist to gain power.Oh yes,the power of arse licking and corruption.
ZUMA, Who is the Fool?. It is time to leave, we are nothing but a repeat of the Zim mess. I was wondering what all the Umkontho members who died for the liberation of this country thinks fof this?
It is time to leave the night of the ????? what did the Nazi’s called it is upon us.
Homophobe. The fraud charges are the least of our worries with this guy. As Paul says a homophobic msysogynist whoencourages tribalism and is an outdated patriarch should make us afraid,He obviously doesn’t understand our cosntitution. His excuses are shallow and meaningless.
Zuma. I agree with you,even here in Australia,there is disbelief and cocern,at which direction South Africa is heading.I foresee another Mugabe,as your president,a nasty,vicious homophobe,whois probably a closet queen,(no children,and token wife)Please rethink your choiceof President,you do not need to follow the same tragic path as Zimbabwe.god forbid.
Calm down. Yes, Zuma may be all those things, but he has shown that he has no real desire to impose his personal perspective on South Africa. He is a team player and will implement ANC policies. He may be homophobic and sexist but I suspect that he will work well within the constitution and the ANC’s strategies.
Zuma,the chameleon. You delusional fool!!,obviously you are living in Fantasy land,open your eyes and your ears.
Zuma. Many things are said before an election in the hope of gaining votes. After the election, all is forgotten and it is business again as usual. Perhaps it will be like that in Zuma’s case, too.
Fantasia for Zuma. Yeah right!!If you believe that,then you also believe in the tooth fairy,and Santa Claus.For fuck sake,wake up,and look at what your getting.it wouldbe nice to ask you in a few years,what your thoughts are after the devastation. thats right,lets close the barn door,now that the horses have fled.