James Nsaba Buturo
Ugandan Ethics Minister James Nsaba Buturo has said that his government will continue to oppress gays and lesbians in the country, despite pressure from foreign countries.
“I have been receiving a number of friends from outside Uganda telling me that we should go slow on the rights of people who promote anal sex,” he told journalists at the Uganda Media Centre. And I’m telling them, ‘well, if you in your countries you’ve chosen to promote anal sex that is your business but leave us alone.”
Despite threats from donor countries to withdraw financial aid, the minister has confirmed that the government was in the process of finalising a draft law aimed at curbing the promotion of gay rights.
“Nowadays, our country is welcoming and embracing all manners of social evil that are likely to render our society insecure and unproductive. We must do something,” said Buturo.
Uganda’s homophobic stance continues to grow, and Buturo has in the past said homosexual sex threatens Ugandan civilization because it does not produce children, and has accused the United Nations of a secret plot to spread homosexuality.
….. I am sick to death of reading about this disgusting government in Uganda. It’s a repulsive country with archaic beliefs run by people who are clearly paranoid (and clearly take pride in spreading hate & torture). What a revolting bunch of cowards they all are. I will also continue then to boycott any charities involved with Uganda. They clearly want to be left alone to wallow in their own filth, so I say let them. I just hope that those gay & lesbian people find safe passage out of Uganda.
Careful, this thing spreads!. This ethics minister speaks of being Lesbian/gay/bi like it’s a disease. He accuses the UN of secretly plotting to spread homosexuality. How ignorant. It’s not contagious and if you’re gay, you’re gay; if you’re straight you’re straight.
To think that fellow africans have doff guys like this ruling over them is frightening.
Typical. Oh this is so typical of Africa, Showing their intelligence, or lack thereof over and over again. Look at Mugabe, look at the rest of africa, all poor, run down, corrupt.
I am no racist but I don’t think some Africans are able to govern anything. They will forever be stuck in their old prehistoric traditions, where the king could kill who he didn’t like, etc.
Look at the rest of Africa where they were “left alone” to do what they want, it ends up as a mess, poorest of poor people and the most corrupt government. South Africa’s only difference is that we allowed western influence and still do, trying to align with the rest of the modern world, and it has opened the eyes of the people governing here.
But the African Theme is “Leave us alone, we will do as we please”. But when it is all a fuckup, then suddenly they beg the western world for aid. It is making me fell less and less sorry for the poor people in Africa, and I will never again support any donation or aid to african countries, because they don’t deserve it, because they keep voting in assholes like this. Pathetic, and I hope this minister gets what he deserves.
Racist is as racist does.. Racist is as racist does.
Anyone who starts a sentence with, “I’m not a racist but…” is a racist. Through your inability to see inidividual people and instead only superficial physical characteristics you prove this.
Similar views as Buturo’s were widespread in the Western world not 50 years ago and South Africa only caught up with the rest of the world 15 years ago in terms of racial equality, not to mention in terms of sexual orientation.
If you don’t want to be seen as a racist, I suggest you start seein the individual.