Local Afrikaans newspaper Beeld plans to publish a monthly special feature directed primarily at the gay and lesbian community.
The feature will be included in the “Beeld Plus” segment of the newspaper and will be published on the first Tuesday of every month.
Beeld says that it feels that the gay and lesbian community forms a part of the Plus readership and notes that information, editorial content and advertisements targeting this audience have never been published in the newspaper before.
The feature will include items such as events for the month, new “stuff” and the latest places to visit. As with all of Beeld’s editorial, the content of these pages will be of a high quality, said the newspaper.
Titled “Another Feather,” the feature will be published from the 4th of August.
Good for them!. I must say I am very pleased with Beeld for taking the initiative. Let’s hope other print media follows in their example. Clearly some people at Beeld recognized the value of the pink rand.
I hope they do their market research well so that they actually publish content that the GLBT community would want to read. It would be very disappointing if they only publish the same old boring stuff.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that they apply their minds and provide a product that will not only help their circulation but also add value to the potential GLBT reader.
Beeld. Mooi so!