
Miss B at Legends.

Miss B, the drag personality and manager of Legends nightclub in Pretoria has been dismissed after a dispute with the club’s owners over the firing of staff accused of theft.

The incident was “unfortunate and sad”, said owner Fulvio De Stefanis, who explained that Miss B was asked to go when she did not support the firing of staff members who allegedly were involved in theft at the club.

“There was a breakdown in trust between Miss B and the rest of the management,” said De Stefanis.

He added that he had a written confession from one of the staff members and would lay a charge of theft with the police this week.

Miss B told Mambaonline that she was “still unsure as to the exact reason” for her firing, insisting that although the owners did not implicate her in the theft, “they should have made it absolutely clear that I wasn’t involved”.

Miss B joined Legends in 2007 and quickly established herself as the face of the club, not only managing the venue but also putting on numerous drag events.

“I have my dreams and hopes and my goals and I wasn’t happy with what was going on at the club and I didn’t see a future there.” She added that she would soon be back in the clubbing scene freelancing between venues and had plans in the pipeline to eventually open a new club in Pretoria.

“I’m very grateful for everything. I had a lot of fun and I wish Legends well in the future”, she said.

De Stefanis insisted that the owners also harboured no bad feeling towards Miss B and wished her well in her future endeavours.

He said that Legends has been undergoing a substantial facelift over the last few weeks with renovations of the bathrooms, bars and DJ boxes as well as the Funky Floor, which will also have a new 10 urinal bathroom.

“We’re looking forward to the upcoming Qc party, the Pink Jacaranda after party and the 2009 Mr and Miss Legends event”, De Stefanis said.

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