
The late Lateisha Green.

The murderer of Lateisha Green, a 22-year-old African-American transgender woman, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison.

This is the maximum sentence Dwight DeLee could have received for the crime of manslaughter in the first degree as a hate crime. He will also be subjected to five years of supervision after the sentence is served.

Twenty year old DeLee shot and killed Green outside of a house party in Syracuse, New York in November last year.

“By ensuring the maximum sentence, this case sends a message in return: hate will not be tolerated, and we will fight it wherever it appears until all are safe to live their lives authentically and without fear,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.

“Crimes such as this, motivated by prejudice and hate, are meant to send a message to transgender people that their very existence is not tolerated.”

Witnesses at the scene stated that DeLee made anti-gay slurs at the time of the shooting. DeLee was only the second person in the US to be convicted of a hate crime for killing a transgender person.

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