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Vince McMahon (Pic: Mshake3)

The head of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has been slammed for using the word “gay” in a derogatory manner on national television in the US.

On a new episode of WWE/RAW on the USA Network Vince McMahon, the chairman of WWE, commented on the costumes worn by two Cirque du Soleil performers who appeared in the show.

“Those masks are really gay,” he said, adding later, “Just what every man wants on his birthday.”

The episode included a birthday celebration for McMahon that featured the Cirque du Soleil performers and Las Vegas showgirls.

“McMahon here wasn’t implying the performers were gay, however, he used the term in a derogatory manner. It’s just another example of how people throw around the word “gay” derisively,” said the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

The WWE’s website states, “WWE is committed to family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms including television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing.”

“However, off-handedly using “gay” in a derogatory manner is anything but family-friendly,” commented GLAAD.

GLAAD said that it was “reaching out to McMahon and the USA Network.”

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