
A British farmer has set dozens of pigs on men cruising for sex on his farm in a bid to stop the activity, which reportedly began over 15 years ago.

According to the Coventry Telegraph, Richard Fonge has taken numerous steps to dissuade men from getting amorous on his property.

In addition to unleashing the swines on trespassers, he has also chopped down over 30 trees that gave the men cover and erected fences and barbed wire.

The efforts appear to have worked, with 64 year old Fonge telling the newspaper that “We’re mightily relieved that it’s off our doorstep.”

He added that, “I’m not homophobic, I just don’t like trespassers.” He said that, at times, as many as ten cars were parked in lanes nearby.

The newspaper first reported on his struggle to keep people off his property four years ago.

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