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The judge in an upcoming lawsuit challenging the legality of California’s gay marriage ban has ruled that the trial can be shown on YouTube.

Chief US District Judge Vaughn Walker decided to allow cameras in the courtroom, although the proceedings would not be broadcast live on television. Instead, footage from the trial will have a delayed release on YouTube.

Those backing the Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage had lobbied to not have the trial broadcast at all, while those opposed to the ban supported it being broadcast, backed by a petition signed by 82,000 people.

It is expected that the footage will be published on YouTube twice a day or within a day of the proceedings. Witnesses can request to have the cameras turned off.

A number of same-sex couples, supported by some LGBT groups and the city of San Francisco, are suing to overturn the Proposition 8 ban which was voted into law by Californian voters. The trial is set to start next week.

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