The popular Generations television soap has come under fire again for its gay characters and storylines, this time from the PAC’s youth wing.
Earlier this week, the Pan Africanist Youth Congress of Azania (Payco) issued a statement asserting that “Africa is not the home of gays and lesbians” and that that the SABC1 series has “declared war with African cultures and practices”.
Payco president Pitso Mphasha, in an interview with the African Eye News Service on Wednesday, described African gays and lesbians as “confused people who have been mentally colonised by Western imperialists who make them abandon their own cultures”.
Mphasha, who said that he would be writing to the show’s producers with his complaint, added: “We are saying to hell with the SA constitution for giving rights to gays and lesbians. Homosexuality is totally immoral and there is no place for gays and lesbians here.
“Generations is condoning homosexuality and indoctrinating Africans with nonsense,” he said.
According to News24, SA Human Rights Commission spokesperson Vincent Moaga commented that the Payco statement “should not be tolerated because it confuses and divides the nation”.
“This is more like hate speech and it will be investigated if we receive a formal complaint,” he was quoted as saying.
In September last year, a gay kiss between the characters of Senzo (Thami Mngqolo) and Jason (Zolisa Xaluva) on Generations led to the creation of a Facebook protest group named “We will stop watching Generations if Senzo and Jason continue kissing”. It attracted close to 20,000 members.
The much-hyped kiss also drew criticism from gay viewers for being pre-empted by an on-screen warning that the episode could include scenes that could “offend” some viewers.
Generations, created by Mfundi Vundla and first aired in February 1994, is the most popular locally produced soap in South Africa.
Trashed. So being gay is not African, but Western. I suppose twanging like an American is detroying our culture too… I am not an ANC supporter but now I will become a ANC devoutee, with sick minds like this outside I am not voting for any other party.
Pitso, you moron!. “We are saying to hell with the SA constitution …” that’s so nice to hear. Not only do these buffoons have no respect for law & order, the country, or its constitution now they vent their frustrations out on the LGBT community and blame whites – which is really what he means when he says “Western Imperialists.”
What is it with these idiots so obsessed with turning SA into a backwater country with futile, meaningless traditions (that they expect everyone to follow) and yet live in mansions, drive million rand cars, and seek positions of power for their own personal exploitation? And when faced with a modern society they squeal like a pig in an abbatoir about their ‘traditions’ and ‘morality’ being offended. Africa is for everyone! Who the hell is Pitso to decide who can and cannot live in Africa? It’s for everyone. If you don’t like it, go live somewhere else (or join Qwelane in Uganda). The quicker SA gets rid of its racist and homophobes the better for all of its law-abiding citizens who actually respect the constitution.
And well done to Generations for being courageous enough to tackle the issue.
PS. PS: What gives Pitso Mphasha the idea that young Black South Africans will be dictated to. I see another struggle, “young South Africans over-throwing parties with these mind sets”
PAC? WOW? Do they have members?. … By the way… Does the PAC still exist? Do they still have members?
What a waste of effort. …typing this story was such a waste of effort. I’m sure they forced you to write it- my condolences (not attacking you- just sympathising really). The less these kinds of stories get publicity, the less we will see of them (literally and figuratively). The space could have been spent encouraging Generations and others for their forward thinking approaches- treating the subject with respect and desensationalising homosexuality. Let’s do a media blackout on homophobes and loudmouths whose bark is worse than their bite
May be Pitso needs to define culture
THE QUEEN. I think that Pitso is a closet queen.
It is by time he get out of the closet and joined his sisters in public.
I wonder who died an made him God, to me he is just an asshole who need to be fucked from here to Timbackto.
He always got something to say about gays an lesbians.
I wonder if he has children, maybe they are all gay an he is looking for grandchildren which he will never have.
He must mind his own business an worry about his non exciting party.
Immoral?. Pitso makes the claim that homosexuality is ‘immoral’. Immoral by whose standards?
Who wrote the rule book, and why haven’t I seen it, dear Pitso?
Morality was defined by human beings. FALLIBLE human beings.
Black African Culture. I love the way black african leaders all accross Africa uses their “culture” and “roots” to guilt their people into submission, and warn against westernization, only when it suits them. It is almost like some churches uses religious guilt or fear to force their members into submission to stand behind them while they smite and exclude, and collect money.
These bafoons have heard Mugabe use the excuse and now they all want to sound clever too. They LOVE westernization when it provides them proffessional jobs, or imported German cars, or huge Tuscan mansions, and if their wives and children can buy expensive dresses and shoes, and attend the most expensive schools. Or if the “Westerners” can bring the Soccer world cup here. THEN Westernization and abandonment of true culture is A OKAY. Then it is good and they want it. But if these “Westerners” (read whites) do anything that they do not like, then they are EVIL, and corrupting minds of the youth, and killing cultures. What a load of bullshit, and every single person, black or white, who believes that, is as stupid. If they are so interested in “protecting the culture” then they should seperate the different tribes, zulus with zulus, xhozas with xhozas, etc, and move into their traditional houses, wear their tradional clothes, and rule their tribes and swop cattle and grow vegetables, and stay the hell away from a WETERNIZED GOVERNMENT, because they keep forgetting that if it weren’t for the westerners that built this country into the prosperous place they inherited from the old government, they WOULD probably be exactly like any other poor African country.
Really, people like this Pitso ass should make up his mind what he wants to be a “traditionalist” or a westerner, because he wants to be both when it suits him.
It is THESE people that we have no place for in this country, and continent, not the gays that just want to live peaceful and free to love who they want. There are millions of black and white people in this country that WANT TO MOVE ON and LIVE TOGETHER IN PEACE AND HARMONY WITH ALL SOUTH AFRICANS. This idiot just wants HIS way above all, and disrupt every single thing we worked for TOGETHER over the last 15 years.
Piss off Pitso, you are NOT welcome here.
lov ur role jason
jason thank you 4 visiting tsolo
They are good and i love them hoo
I love ths character of Jason aka Zolisa mwaaaa
Zolisa we want 2 c u in QUEENSTOWN???when r u visiting