
The ad meant to combat homophobia in British football, but which instead became embroiled in controversy, has been released on the internet.

The launch of the video, produced by the Football Association (FA), was postponed after openly gay former NBA basketball player John Amaechi, who was a consultant on the project, described the film as “deeply offensive”.

The FA has, however, defended the video and denied that this was the reason behind it cancelling the launch, saying that it felt that it needed more time to assed how the ad would fit into its overall anti-homophobia strategy.

“We will now enter a final stage of consultation and will shortly be in a position to announce the next stage of the strategy, including the launch of the educational film,” said a spokesman.

While the video has not been officially released, the FA has allowed it to be shown on the internet after the ad was screened on a BBC news programme. View the ad below.

flashVars=”videoId=65904398001&playerId=1509319623&viewerSecureGatewayURL=” base=””
name=”flashObj” width=”486″ height=”412″ seamlesstabbing=”false” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” swLiveConnect=”true”

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