People lined the streets to watch the celebration and cars hooted in support as the 2010 Joburg Pride Parade stretched out for almost two kilometres.
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People lined the streets to watch the celebration and cars hooted in support as the 2010 Joburg Pride Parade stretched out for almost two kilometres.
Pic #33 – Sick dog?. I love animals, and I noticed that the daschund standing out the window is losing fur on its ears. Daschunds sometimes have underactive thyroids which causes their fur to fall out and their skin to go very dry. Please have it checked with your vet.
Sick dog. Of all the shit that these sour old queens have been moaning about, this is the best comment/advice. So there is still poeple care out there…
You are a star!
PIC 25 & 27. the tall guy with a cap is so sexy…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his chest, i feel horny. dam check his height. i can definetely worship this guy.
pic 25. naa guy next to tall guy is much sexier , i get horny every time i see him….