A Ugandan newspaper has published the names and photos of LGBT activists with a headline that reads “Hang Them; They Are After Our Kids”, reports Box Turtle
The tabloid Rolling Stone (not related to the well-known music magazine) promised to publish “100 pictures of Uganda’s top homos” but has thus far published only eleven photos in its October 2nd edition.
The newspaper said that it would continue to expose gay and lesbian Ugandans in upcoming issues.
Activists believe that the images were sourced from Facebook profiles by someone pretending to be a gay man who “friend requests” people on the social networking site for this purpose.
In addition to outing people, the tabloid has also published an “investigation” into Uganda’s gay community, claiming that gay people have regular recruitment drives and initiate new members.
“The new members are also provided with gay blue movies, a list of gay websites and telephone numbers of representatives of gay organizations. At the end of every month, gays usually gather at homes of gay organization leaders… Wine is popped and sometimes gays engage in orgies… We have accessed secret videos of top citizens enjoying steamy gay sex,” claims the publication.
Rolling Stone’s actions mimic that of its rival tabloid Red Pepper, which has also published the names of gays and lesbians in Uganda.
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