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A scene from the British soap EastEnders.

A British government inquiry is expected to recommend that scenes featuring gay kissing be banned from British televisions before 9pm.

The review, which is backed by Prime Minister David Cameron, was launched last year to assess whether children are sufficiently protected from inappropriate images.

According to The Telegraph, the inquiry will recommend that sexually suggestive scenes should not be shown until later at night. Disturbingly, the commission appears to believe that scenes featuring same-sex kissing are not appropriate for children.

The newspaper also said that Cameron will support the recommendations, leading to Coronation Street actress Brooke Vincent criticising his stance on the matter.

“I swear David Cameron’s meant to be supporting equal rights,” Tweeted Vincent, who plays teenage lesbian Sophie Webster in the soap. “I just think if same-sex kisses are what he is prioritising and concentrating on changing, our country’s in trouble,” she said.

A number of daytime soaps in the UK have in recent years featured same-sex couples and their displays of affection.

Under current broadcasting rules, no sexually explicit scenes may be broadcast in the UK before the 9pm watershed.

The inquiry is also looking at sexually suggestive television performances, such as those by Christina Aguilera and Rihanna on last year’s X Factor final, as well as inappropriate advertising and online pornography.

Broadcasting watchdog Ofcom received more than 3,000 complaints about the X Factor performances.

The inquiry’s results are expected to be released some time this month.

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