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Thanks to generous funders, 14,000 copies of the newly published Young Gay Guys Guide to Safer Gay Sex will be distributed for free.

The book’s writer, Robin Malan, who is also Director of Junkets Publisher, announced the good news at the guide’s launch at the Franschhoek Literary Festival, which ended on Sunday.

“The contributions of two organisations have proved invaluable. The Aids Foundation of South Africa (AFSA), through its funding from the Royal Netherlands Embassy, and Triangle Project have both donated substantial sums of money to the project,” Malan told guests at the function.

The funds will be used to distribute 10,000 copies through AFSA’s outreach programmes, mainly to the rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal.

Another 4,000 will be distributed by the NGO Triangle Project through its outreach programmes to Western Cape townships, and Cape Flats and West Coast areas.

The guide is based on Malan’s regular column in Exit newspaper and covers all aspects of safer gay sex in clear, plain, understandable English.

It also includes a Q and A section, a list of gay organisations as well as a pledge for young gay men to sign, committing themselves always to use condoms and water-based lube when having high-risk sex.

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