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Reggae singer Mista Majah P

Jamaican singer Mista Majah P has released what has been dubbed the “world’s first pro-gay reggae album” within a genre tainted by open homophobia.

The 11 songs on the album are said to support same-sex marriage and adoption by gay couples. They also attack homophobic bullying, openly anti-gay reggae singers and Jamaica’s homophobic Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

Song titles include Gay Adoption, I Am Who I Am, Gay Bullying, Gay Marriage, Rights and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

Although Mista Majah P is not gay, he said that he supports LGBTI communities and gay equality.

“My hope is that this CD, Tolerance, will break down the homophobic stance that certain reggae artists and heads of government have taken towards the LGBTQ community,” he explained.

“Because of the hateful songs that some performers have been singing, gay people have been threatened and harmed. Some foolish people act upon what these artists are preaching because they worship these artists like gods. My music is about tolerance.

“It shows that reggae music can respect gay and lesbian people. Reggae music used to be about love, peace and unity. Now it is too often about bigotry and violence. I want to bring the music back to its progressive roots,” Mista Majah P concluded.

British human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, who is also the international coordinator of the Stop Murder Music campaign, welcomed the news.

According to Tatchell, since releasing the album Mista Majah P has received numerous death threats and has been warned to not return to Jamaica (he currently resides in California).

Mista Majah P, who emigrated to Canada in 1982 before later moving to the US, has been nominated 10 times for the Canadian Reggae Music Award, winning on four occasions, including ‘Entertainer of the Year’ in 1997.

Since 2004, the Stop Murder Music campaign has campaigned against eight reggae singers who have released songs encouraging and glorifying the murder of LGBTI people.

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