
São Paulo Pride

Brazilian media have reported that a gay couple has been attacked in São Paulo, home to the world’s largest gay Pride parade.

According to BrazzilMag, the two men had left a gay club with a female friend at around 4am on Sunday morning in the Paulista Avenue district.

They were approached by two men who flirted with the woman, who refused to show them any interest.

The aggressors followed the three to a convenience store where they began to verbally abuse the group with homophobic remarks.

They then physically attacked the gay men, leaving one with bruises and a broken foot.

“They said we were crazy faggots and that we should die before spreading diseases around,” said Marcos Paulo Villa, one of the victims.

There was another homophobic attack on two men in the Paulista Avenue district in August.

The São Paulo LGBT Pride Parade, in which around three million people participate, takes place along Paulista Avenue every June.

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