Following an outcry in his country over his recent comments supporting the protection of gay and lesbian rights in the constitution, Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has clarified his position on the matter.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, Tsvangirai said that he wanted to “put finality and closure to an issue that has been misinterpreted, the issue of the so-called gay rights”.
The Prime Minister said that his position on homosexuality was well-known.
“I am a Christian associated with the Methodist church. I am a father. I am a grandfather. I am a family man. I am a Zimbabwean and I know the strong feelings of Zimbabweans about this issue. I have those strong feelings too but in the end, Zimbabweans are making their own Constitution and it is that Constitution which will bind every Zimbabwean.”
He explained, however, that despite his personal reservations, “what I refuse to do as a loyal son of God and as a social democrat is to persecute, to judge, to condemn and to vilify people for their own opinions because judgment is a preserve of God the Almighty.
“The Book of Luke Chapter 6 verse 37: ‘Do not judge and you will not be judged, do not condemn and you will not be condemned’. The Book of John Chapter 8 verse 7: ‘If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone…’
“So while I may differ with them [gay people], as a Christian and as a social democrat, I refuse to throw a stone at them,” said Tsvangirai.
While I disagree on some aspects of what Morgan has to say, I really can respect him for his clear, unselfish standpoint. He acknowledges his difference of opinion yet is willing to respect the differences in others. You go Morgan! I hope other African leaders can see your point of view also.
wow what a statesman and leader. this is a man that can take a country forward
… not try to bring to the forefront an issue which is definitely inconsequential. Great, thanks Morgan – so gay lives are ‘inconsequential’…
I don’t think this is what he’s trying to say. My understanding is that he’s confirming the reality that the stirring up of anti-gay paranoia by politicians in Africa is a way of avoiding them dealing with other issues such as poverty, corruption etc… It’s diverting attention away from their failings and giving people someone to scapegoat.
And this really is what gay rights are all about. We do not want everyone to change their personal opinions about gays to pro-gay. We are ALL human and we ALL have a right to our personal opinions. Feel the way you want privately about anything, no one can force you to accept it. But YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to discriminate or prosecute people just because they are different from you. In a perfect world there really should be no difference in the basic human rights of ANY person, whether black, white, pink, gay, straight, methodist, catholic, blond, brunette, male, female, or anything at all. We are ALL human.
I commend you PM, well said, I hope other African leaders heed what you are saying, they should start worrying about important issues and stop persecuting gay people, there is so much that they have to deal with in their countries, gays shouldn’t be used as a distraction from important issues, let the gays be!