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George Michael (right) with his new companion in Venice

Controversial pop singer George Michael has been spotted with a hunky new man on a hotel balcony in Venice.

Michael (48) and his mysterious, beefy companion were photographed wearing sleeping shorts and robes on the balcony in the Italian city.

In what could cause some controversy, the star was seen rolling a cigarette of some kind and sharing it with the man, leading to speculation that they were smoking marijuana.

In recent years Michael has been in the news following a number of accidents, arrests and even jail time as a result of driving while under the influence of drugs, including marijuana.

In May, he said that he had let gay teenagers down through his drug-fuelled antics and he has of late claimed to be back on the straight on narrow.

Following their time on the balcony, Michael and his friend boarded a boat for a jaunt through Venice’s canals.

In August, Michael confirmed rumours that he had split with his partner of 15 years, businessman Kenny Goss.

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