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Cape Town, one of the ‘best of 2011’ finalists in a high profile online poll, has failed to take the ‘Best Up and Coming City’ title.

The Mother City was selected as a finalist in the gay travel blog GayCities’ Best of 2011 survey.

It competed against Buffalo (U.S.), Guadalajara (Mexico), Santiago (Chile) and Zurich (Switzerland) in the ‘Best Up and Coming City’ category.

Cape Town tied in second place with Santiago, each receiving 17% of the votes.

The top spot was narrowly taken by Buffalo, the second most populous city in the state of New York, which received 20% of the votes.

Tel Aviv in Israel was voted the overall best gay city in the world, with New York taking the Best Nightlife and Best Dressed City titles and Paris winning Best Food City.

San Francisco was chosen as the Best Pride City, Sydney was Best Sand and Sun City and Seattle scoring the Best Settle Down City.

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