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Colin Farrell

Hollywood star Colin Farrell, whose brother Eamon is gay, has backed an Irish LGBT youth campaign against homophobic bullying.

“In effect, bullying is no less than the systematic doling out of pain upon the innocent. It is literally laughing in the face of somebody as they fall into increasingly grave danger,” said the Irish-born Farrell (35) in a statement.

The Stand Up! campaign, launched by BeLonG To, calls on everyone, gay and straight, to support each other in taking a stand against homophobic bullying.

“Whether it be the attacking of gay students, which I witnessed first-hand happening to my own brother, or students who are in the minority as a result of race or religious beliefs or any other such characteristic that separates them from ‘the norm’, it is all wrong and has no place in a just and compassionate country such as I know Ireland to be,” commented Farrell.

BeLonG To’s Founding Director, Michael Barron, welcomed Farrell’s statement and support.

“Eamon and Colin Farrell are fantastic advocates for LGBT young people and their families,” said Barron.

“Our Stand Up! Campaign is about supporting everyone – LGBT young people, straight people, teachers, parents and family members to all take a stand together against homophobic bullying which can have devastating effects on young people’s lives. The Farrell brothers are the perfect example of what Stand Up! really means.”

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